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Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013 DHS Fellows program accepting applications until February 11 2013

ICF International is seeking applications for the 2013 Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Fellows Program. Applications must be from teams comprised of three faculty members from the same university in Africa who work in departments of demography, public health, economics, sociology, geography, or other social sciences. The universities they represent must be in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Namibia, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, or Zimbabwe.

Applications are due no later than February 11, 2013.

Each team of three fellows selected for the program will be expected to jointly complete a publishable-quality manuscript on policy-relevant questions related to one or more of the following topic areas: HIV/AIDS, mortality, fertility, family planning, gender, nutrition, and reproductive, maternal, or child health. Papers must use data collected in the DHS, AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS), or Service Provision Assessment (SPA) surveys. In addition, each team will be expected to design a plan for building capacity in the use of DHS data for teaching and research to be implemented at their home universities.All three members of each selected team of fellows must be available to attend two workshops organized by ICF International, one at the beginning and one toward the end of the program (see schedule below).

Each selected fellow will be awarded a $3,000 stipend to cover his or her research expenses, which will be paid in installments based upon satisfactory completion of the deliverables. In addition, ICF International will cover economy airfare from the home university in Africa, lodging, and per diem expenses for each fellow to attend both workshops at a location elsewhere in Africa.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Keep up to date on the latest research and advances in the prevention, treatment, and understanding of cancer.The latest issue of the NCI Cancer Bulletin is now available at

List of new books/theses at MUHAS Library - 8th January 2013

A list of new printed books and theses have been added at MUHAS Library. Visit the library website to access the list.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Repoa's Grants for Researchers

REPOA is pleased to announce the 1st callfor proposals for the year 2013. 

REPOA research grants aim to develop a vibrant community of beginning and intermediate researchers capable of undertaking research that is credible and relevant to development challenges, with special attention to policy development issues. Support is provided to short term studies (up to one year) in areas that are relevant to REPOA’s overall research agenda. These studies aim to provide information that is relevant for the policy and practice of development that stakeholders can find useful in socioeconomic transformation for growth and poverty reduction initiatives, and offer beginning and intermediate researchers a platform to jump start and/or consolidate their research careers.

Focus Fields
Research proposals are invited on one of thebelow research themes

  • Growth and Development
  • Social Protection
  • Governance and Service delivery
  • Gender, Technology and Environment are cross-cutting in all the three themes.

The deadline for research proposals is Friday, January 11th 2013

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

List of new books added at the Special Reserve Section, MUHAS Library - 11th December 2012

List of new books added at the Special Reserve Section, MUHAS Library - 11th December 2012

Elsevier Foundation Awards 2012 Grants to strengthening evidenced based healthcare in Tanzania, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences Library

The Elsevier Foundation announced today the 2012 grant recipients for the Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries and New Scholars award programs. In total, $650,000 has been committed to eight institutions around the world.

The 2012 library grant recipients address real developing world issues through the use of STM information resources and include:
  • E-Library Training Initiative in Latin America & Asia, MLA/Librarians Without Borders
  • Enhancing Access to Research in Central and West Africa, Information Training & Outreach Centre for Africa, ITOCA
  • Strengthening evidenced based healthcare in Tanzania, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania
  • Nepal Knowledge Nexus, Dhulikhel Hospital
Click here for more details

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Call for Joint Research Project Proposals-2012

15 November 2012 to 15 January 2013

In April 2011 an agreement on collaboration in Science and Technology between the governments of South Africa and Tanzania was signed. Towards implementat
ion of the signed agreement, the two countries developed a Plan of Action. The Plan of Action sought to facilitate scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries by supporting researchers from universities, universities of technology, science councils and public research institutes on an equal and mutually beneficial basis.

The Joint research project proposals shall be submitted to the relevant authorities in both countries for evaluation, being the Commission for Science and Technology in Tanzania and the National Research Foundation in South Africa (NRF).

For the purposes of this call, research projects falling within the following areas/disciplines will be considered:

Nano material (manufacturing)
Agricultural value addition (processing and packaging) and Animal embryo transplant