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Showing posts with label Grants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grants. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

INASP professional development grants 2013-14

INASP offering up to 8 small grants, up to the value of $2000 to support new and emerging library and information leaders, based in institutions which are members of library consortia or equal national body supported by INASP.
Grants may be used to support travel to present at and participate in professional conferences, to undertake study or learning visits to other institutions, to support other forms of learning and skills development at home, or any other activity which would clearly enable the professional development of the applicant.
Applicants should download and complete the INASP application form, or apply online through the Survey Monkey. The deadline for applications is 14 February 2014.
For further information and how to apply please see the Supporting the next generation of library leaders.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013 DHS Fellows program accepting applications until February 11 2013

ICF International is seeking applications for the 2013 Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Fellows Program. Applications must be from teams comprised of three faculty members from the same university in Africa who work in departments of demography, public health, economics, sociology, geography, or other social sciences. The universities they represent must be in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Namibia, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, or Zimbabwe.

Applications are due no later than February 11, 2013.

Each team of three fellows selected for the program will be expected to jointly complete a publishable-quality manuscript on policy-relevant questions related to one or more of the following topic areas: HIV/AIDS, mortality, fertility, family planning, gender, nutrition, and reproductive, maternal, or child health. Papers must use data collected in the DHS, AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS), or Service Provision Assessment (SPA) surveys. In addition, each team will be expected to design a plan for building capacity in the use of DHS data for teaching and research to be implemented at their home universities.All three members of each selected team of fellows must be available to attend two workshops organized by ICF International, one at the beginning and one toward the end of the program (see schedule below).

Each selected fellow will be awarded a $3,000 stipend to cover his or her research expenses, which will be paid in installments based upon satisfactory completion of the deliverables. In addition, ICF International will cover economy airfare from the home university in Africa, lodging, and per diem expenses for each fellow to attend both workshops at a location elsewhere in Africa.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Repoa's Grants for Researchers

REPOA is pleased to announce the 1st callfor proposals for the year 2013. 

REPOA research grants aim to develop a vibrant community of beginning and intermediate researchers capable of undertaking research that is credible and relevant to development challenges, with special attention to policy development issues. Support is provided to short term studies (up to one year) in areas that are relevant to REPOA’s overall research agenda. These studies aim to provide information that is relevant for the policy and practice of development that stakeholders can find useful in socioeconomic transformation for growth and poverty reduction initiatives, and offer beginning and intermediate researchers a platform to jump start and/or consolidate their research careers.

Focus Fields
Research proposals are invited on one of thebelow research themes

  • Growth and Development
  • Social Protection
  • Governance and Service delivery
  • Gender, Technology and Environment are cross-cutting in all the three themes.

The deadline for research proposals is Friday, January 11th 2013

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Elsevier Foundation Awards 2012 Grants to strengthening evidenced based healthcare in Tanzania, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences Library

The Elsevier Foundation announced today the 2012 grant recipients for the Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries and New Scholars award programs. In total, $650,000 has been committed to eight institutions around the world.

The 2012 library grant recipients address real developing world issues through the use of STM information resources and include:
  • E-Library Training Initiative in Latin America & Asia, MLA/Librarians Without Borders
  • Enhancing Access to Research in Central and West Africa, Information Training & Outreach Centre for Africa, ITOCA
  • Strengthening evidenced based healthcare in Tanzania, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania
  • Nepal Knowledge Nexus, Dhulikhel Hospital
Click here for more details

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Call for Joint Research Project Proposals-2012

15 November 2012 to 15 January 2013

In April 2011 an agreement on collaboration in Science and Technology between the governments of South Africa and Tanzania was signed. Towards implementat
ion of the signed agreement, the two countries developed a Plan of Action. The Plan of Action sought to facilitate scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries by supporting researchers from universities, universities of technology, science councils and public research institutes on an equal and mutually beneficial basis.

The Joint research project proposals shall be submitted to the relevant authorities in both countries for evaluation, being the Commission for Science and Technology in Tanzania and the National Research Foundation in South Africa (NRF).

For the purposes of this call, research projects falling within the following areas/disciplines will be considered:

Nano material (manufacturing)
Agricultural value addition (processing and packaging) and Animal embryo transplant

Scholarship opportunities in Sweden

The Swedish Institute announces scholarship opportunities for international students. The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships targets highly qualified students from Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. (The program is also open for applicants from Bangladesh, Bolivia and Cambodia)

About 140 scholarships altogether will be awarded for higher education studies in Sweden on Master’s level. The grants cover tuition fees, living costs and a one time travel grant.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Recruitment now open - Afya Bora Fellowship

The AFYA BORA CONSORTIUM is recruiting 20 highly qualified and goal-oriented health professionals for a 12-month fellowship (June 2013 – June 2014) in one of our African partner countries (Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda). There are 4 ope nings for applicants from each of the African countries, and 4 openings for US trainees. 

TO APPLY and obtain more information, click here  

Applications are due January 24th, 2013

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Apply to the Duke Master of Science in Global Health

The Duke Global Health Institute is seeking the best and brightest candidates to become the next generation of global health leaders. We are now accepting applications for the next class of the Duke University Master of Science in Global Health in Durham, North Carolina.

Scholarships are available for US and international students.

The Duke Master of Science in Global Health features:
  • expert, multidisciplinary faculty
  • a flexible, tailored curriculum
  • firm grounding in research methods
  • a fully funded field research opportunity
  • small and diverse cohort of students
  • professional development and career advising
Click here for more details

Thursday, October 18, 2012

2013 African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowships: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

Deadline: January 15, 2013

The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), in partnership with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC),
is pleased to announce the sixth call for applications for the African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowships (ADDRF).

The ADDRF will award about 20 fellowships in 2012 to doctoral students who are within two years of completing their thesis at an African university.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New funding opportunities, scholarships and research grants in various fields

New funding opportunities, scholarships and research grants in various fields have been added at the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) website. 

COSTECH is a parastatal organization with the responsibility of co-ordinating and promoting research and technology development activities in the country. It is the chief advisor to the Government on all matters pertaining to science and technology and their application to the socio-economic development of the country.

Click here for more details

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Call for Applications for doctoral candidates to participate in the 1st SA-YSSP, scheduled for 1 December 2012 to 28 February 2013.

The National Research Foundation (NRF) as the National Member Organisation (NMO), in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology (DST), has developed a novel and innovative initiative with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) to establish the Southern African Young Scientists Summer Program (SA-YSSP).
As an SA-YSSP participant, you will be associated with an SA-YSSP research project. Therefore, you are invited to indicate your preference for one to three projects that you are interested in working on before, during, and after the SA-YSSP core period of three months. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Future Research Leaders - Call for Proposals 2012/13

The Future Research Leaders scheme aims to support outstanding early career researchers to carry out excellent research and to develop all aspects of their research and knowledge exchange skills.

The closing date for proposals is 16.00 on 4 October 2012.

Awards will be for a maximum of three years with an overall limit of £312,500 (at 100 per cent full Economic Cost). ESRC aims to fund around 70 awards.

Click here for more details

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Scholarships for postraduate studies and international short courses

DAAD in association with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) is providing 5 in-region scholarships for a PhD programme in Mathematical Sciences.

These scholarships are available to students wishing to commence a PhD programme at a South African University in 2013. The scholarships will cover the tuition fees, living costs and other related costs of the programme. Prospective applicants must be African nationals from Sub Saharan countries (excluding South African nationals), and not older than 36 years of age on the date of nomination. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

COHRE Training Program at JCRC seeks to strengthen capacity in Uganda to conduct integrated clinical operational and health services research focused on HIV/TB prevention and care. The Program is now soliciting applications from qualified persons for 2012/2013 research projects scholarship (research funds) leading to the award of M.Med, Paediatrics or Internal Medicine; Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology; Master of Public Health; Masters in Health Services Research and any other relevant field. Only students who are in their *second* or *final* year of study on Masters Degree program at Makerere University or Mbarara University of Science and Technology are eligible to apply.

Deadline for receiving applications: 21stSeptember 2012 by 5pm

CUD Belgium Scholarships is now open to selected nationals of developing countries. Pursue a Master's Degree or internship/training in one of Belgium's universities and academic institutions. Deadline is 13 February 2013. Most courses start September 2013.

2013-2014 VLIR-UOS Scholarships will open soon to students from selected developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Pursue a fully-funded Master's Degree in selected programmes related to development at Belgium Universities. Deadline is 1 February 2013 for courses starting September 2013.

Funding opportunities

Grand Challenges Canada
It announces $11.8 million in funding for bold, breakthrough innovations through its Saving Brains initiative. For further information:
AusAID: ADRAS funding Round 2012 now open

The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) is now accepting applications for the AusAID Development Research Awards Scheme (ADRAS). The purpose of ADRAS is to improve the quality and effectiveness of Australian aid in developing countries. AusAID promotes fairness, transparency and value for money from our research investment including through the use of competitive mechanisms to fund research. The ADRAS is designed to attract high quality, innovative research that informs policy development*. The 2012 funding round will allocate funding for research in the following priority theme areas; Africa, Disability-inclusive Development, Education, Gender, Health, Mining for Development, Scholarships, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Gates Foundation Grant Opportunities - New Grand Challenges Explorations Topics

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is now accepting grant proposals for Round 10 of Grand Challenges Explorations, an initiative to encourage innovative and unconventional global health and development solutions. Applicants can be at any experience level; in any discipline; and from any organization, including colleges and universities, government laboratories, research institutions, non-profit organizations and for-profit companies. Two-page grant proposals are being accepted online until November 7, 2012 on the following topics:
·         Labor Saving Innovations for Women Smallholder Farmers
·         New Approaches in Model Systems, Diagnostics, and Drugs for Specific
·         Neglected Tropical Diseases
·         New Approaches for the Interrogation of Anti-malarial Compounds
·         Aid is Working. Tell the World
Initial grants will be US $100,000 each, and projects showing promise will have the opportunity to receive additional funding of up to US $1 million.

Collaborative R01s for Clinical and Services Studies of Mental Disorders and AIDS (Collaborative R01)

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) seeks to support collaborative intervention trials in the treatment, prevention or rehabilitation of those with mental disorders and comorbid mental disorders. Support is also provided for other collaborative clinical studies, including, but not limited to, mental health services research, AIDS, genetics, and psychopathology.

Call for TB REACH Wave 3 Proposals

TB REACH is currently accepting applications for Wave 3. The deadline for submitting proposals for Wave 3 is 17 September 2012. For Wave 3, TB REACH will have two separate funding tracks. Please read the following information and other background documents carefully to ensure that you apply for the correct track of funding and your application is complete. This funding track is open to applicants from 86 eligible Countries <>.
This track is for one-year projects for up to $US 1 million to improve TB case finding.

AIDS-Science Track Award for Research Transition (R03)

This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) by the National Institute on Drug Abuse seeks to facilitate the entry of both newly independent and early career investigators to the area of drug abuse research on HIV/AIDS. This FOA, AIDS--Science Track Award for Research Transition (A-START), encourages Small Research Grant (R03) applications to support research projects on drug abuse and HIV/AIDS that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources.

The International Research Scientist Development Award (IRSDA) Program (K01)

This Notice encourages early-career investigators in biomedical, epidemiological, clinical, social and behavioral sciences to consider applying for this FOA to conduct career development activities and research in developing countries.

Biomedical/Bio-behavioral Research Administration Development (BRAD) Award

Eunice Kennedy Shriver* National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, John E. Fogarty International Center National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

INASP Small grants scheme -2012

The focus in 2012 will be to support research, consultation, stakeholder engagement and other types of needs analysis by organisations and individuals working in the following areas: Libraries and information science (LIS), Evidence-informed policy making, Research sector mapping and understanding
Click here for more details

Friday, August 31, 2012

Commonwealth Scholarships and Awards

Applications may be in any of the following categories: Scholarships for Master, Doctoral (PhD) degrees of up to 3 years, One year research on a split-site basis, One year taught masters courses, Distance Learning Scholarships, Academic Fellowships, Professional Fellowships. Click here for more details

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Research fellowships & grants

CODESRIA Higher Education Leadership Programme: Advanced Research Fellowships, 2012 Deadline: 15th September, 2012 TDR Clinical Research & Development Fellowships TDR's Empowerment grant and training activities aim to develop strong leadership in health research and decision making, so that high quality institutional and national systems can identify and manage research priorities. All applications must be received by 24th September 2012 at the latest. A scholarship for African scientist The application deadline is Saturday 29 September 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Research fellowships and funding opportunities

Postdoctoral Research fellowships for CHESAI - (IDRC funded project) UCT and UWC
Deadline: October 15th, 2012
International Development Research Centre
Deadline: August 26, 2012

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation in partnership with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
Deadline: August 31, 2012

Call for letters of interest - Population health vulnerabilities to vector-borne diseases: Increasing resilience under climate change conditions in Africa
TDR - Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases
Deadline: September 10, 2012

International Development Research Centre
Deadline: September 12, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Funding opportunitities, and Scholarships for PhDs and Masters

The Special Round *Toward an HIV Cure* of the research grant programme *Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR)* invites early-stage scientists without prior experience in HIV cure research to submit innovative proposals to accelerate the search for an HIV cure. *Proposals for research projects with the potential to contribute to the search for an HIV cure can be submitted by 17 October 2012. Ten to twelve research grants worth up to US$ 150,000 per year, for direct research costs plus applicable indirect costs, for one to two years will be awarded* *Early-stage investigators, who have completed their terminal research degree (e.g., PhD, DVM, MMed + research training) within the past 10 years and who have a faculty position at an academic institution or a comparable position at a research institution, are eligible to apply. Applicants must have not yet been engaged in research toward an HIV cure (as defined by any previous grant, contract, sub-award or publication in HIV cure research).
* Research topics could include any aspect of science relating to research towards an HIV cure. Projects may not include prospective human interventional trials  (e.g. clinical trials of new drugs, treatments, or devices; or off-label
use of a licensed drug). Studies of animal models, stored samples from existing cohorts, small pathogenesis studies or in vitro trials are acceptable.

The Gates Vaccine Innovation Award is open to individuals from any discipline who work on the delivery of vaccines. Candidates from academic institutions, governments, health care facilities, research institutions, non-profit organizations and for-profit companies may be nominated.

THET is pleased to announce a call for concept papers for Multi-Country Partnership grants. The grants form part of the Health Partnership Scheme (HPS) which is a four-year programme that funds health partnerships to carry out training and capacity-building projects in low-income countries. The scheme is funded by the UK Department for International Development. The Health Partnership Scheme aims to strengthen Human Resources for Health to deliver demonstrable results in health outcomes for poor people in poor and DFID and Devolved Administration priority countries.

The United Nations (UN) Trust Fund is accepting applications for its Small Grants Programme under the Second Decade Call for Proposals for the year 2013. The Fund will mainly be used for small grants projects with a budget for up to US $10,000 covering one year’s expenses. Applications for grants under the Small Grants Programme under the Second Decade will be accepted between 1 August 2012 and 1 October 2012. The Fund will give priority to projects that focus on the areas of health (physical and mental well-being) and education (such as language revitalization).

The Red Umbrella Fund is the first-ever and new global grantmaking fund by and for sex workers. The Red Umbrella Fund is offering funding for sex-worker-led organisations and networks. The first-year grantmaking budget of the RUF is $700,000. The Red Umbrella Fund will provide start-up funding, multi-year and core funding, support for peer-led capacity-building and exchanges, and emergency grants to sex worker led organisations.  Grant amounts will be between $5,000 and $50,000.

The Infectious Disease Research Collaboration (IDRC) is pleased to announce that funding for research projects and support of skills training and career development. Research projects should be limited to 1-2 years duration.

*(**Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe).
*Funding of between £250,000 and £2 million will be available for the most innovative, effective and well evaluated pilot projects that support marginalised girls to succeed in their education. Any successful application will need to demonstrate new ideas and cost effective approaches to reaching girls in the most difficult circumstances.

The PEER Health program provides grants to support scientists in 33 eligible countries implementation science projects in support of country-specific health priorities. The 2012 program cycle focuses on Child Survival. PEER Health is a competitive grants program that supports scientists from USAID-focus countries who are collaborating with NIH supported researchers on implementation science projects reflecting the health priorities of focus country researchers and governments.

*Interested applicants should note that the donor has revised both the
eligibility as well as extended the deadline*

Applications are invited for Global Youth Forum at Bali, Indonesia which will be held on 4th-6th of December. The ICPD Beyond 2014 Global Youth Forum aims to address these questions and represents the peak of efforts by UN agencies, young people and civil society to translate the participatory aspirations of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) into a sustainable youth advocacy network.
All participants must have a valid passport with a minimum of 1 year until expiry. While applicants under the age of 30 will be considered, we particularly encourage young people between the ages of 18 and 24 to apply

Flinders International Scholarships are now open to students from any country. Pursue a fully-funded Master's or PhD Degree in any field of study at Flinders University in Australia. Deadline is 31 August 2012. In addition, Flinders University provides the recipient with a generous living allowance paid at the rate of $23,728 per annum (2012 rate). It is tax exempt and indexed annually.

Persons from developed and developing countries can apply for Masters, PHDs
and Fellowship scholarships available

HIV Research Trust Scholarships for 2013

Applications for HIV Research Trust Scholarships for 2013 will be open from  5 September 2012 and will close  17 October 2012.

These Scholarships are awarded competitively to researchers in countries where resources are scarce. The scheme has been very successful and this year we again anticipate up to 20 such awards.

Details of the scholarships, including the criteria for the awards, are available on the HIV Research Trust website. Researchers who might benefit from the Scholarship, and who fulfil the criteria for the award, should apply online before 17th October 2012.