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Showing posts with label Conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conference. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


The workshop on Integrated Library Management System using KOHA Software started on Tuesday 9th August 2016.

Here are some of the participants attending the workshop at MUHAS library. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


DATES: September, 2014 
VENUETo be determined later
THEME:  Information and knowledge as drivers for poverty reduction

  1. Role of libraries, information centers and archives in poverty reduction
  2. Information and communication technology (ICT) for poverty reduction
  3. Indigenous knowledge management and poverty reduction
  4. Gender responsive information services and poverty reduction
  5. Web 2.0 technologies / social media and social networking and poverty reduction
  6. The role Information services in health care delivery services for poverty reduction
  7. The role of community information services for poverty reduction

Abstract details:

Abstract should be a maximum of 500 words. Deadline for submission of Abstract is 30th April 2014.   All abstracts should be submitted as an attachment and sent to the following:

 1. Prof. Frankwell Dulle   email address: OR
2. Prof  P. Manda, email address: pmanda <>,
3. Dr. Edda. T. Lwoga email
4. Paul Muneja, email:


DATES: September, 2014
VENUETo be determined later
THEME:  Information and knowledge as drivers for poverty reduction

  1. Role of libraries, information centers and archives in poverty reduction
  2. Information and communication technology (ICT) for poverty reduction
  3. Indigenous knowledge management and poverty reduction
  4. Gender responsive information services and poverty reduction
  5. Web 2.0 technologies / social media and social networking and poverty reduction
  6. The role Information services in health care delivery services for poverty reduction
  7. The role of community information services for poverty reduction

Abstract details:

Abstract should be a maximum of 500 words. Deadline for submission of Abstract is 30th April 2014.   All abstracts should be submitted as an attachment and sent to the following:

 1. Prof. Frankwell Dulle   email address: OR
2. Prof  P. Manda, email address: pmanda <>,
3. Dr. Edda. T. Lwoga email
4. Paul Muneja, email:

Sunday, October 27, 2013


The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) announces its second scientific conferencethat will be organized with support from Sida (Sweden) and other development partners.
The Conference will be held at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) campus, Dar es Salaam  from the 14th – 16th May 2014.
Conference Theme: Health Research, Training  and Innovation for Sustainable Development.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


 20th – 24th OCTOBER, 2014
ICTs, Access to Health Information and Knowledge: Building Strong Knowledge Societies for Sustainable Development in Africa
The Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA) is pleased to announce its 14th Biennial Congress scheduled to take place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. AHILA was founded in 1984 with the aim of improving provision of up-to-date and relevant health information; encourage professional development of health librarians; promote information resource sharing in Africa and exchange of experiences as well as promoting the development and standardization and exchange of health databases in Africa. The main theme of the 14th AHILA Congress is:ICTs, access to health information and knowledge: building strong knowledge societies for sustainable development in Africa”.

The sub-themes of the Congress are:
  1. ICT’s and health information and knowledge management systems for  sustainable development
    1. Use of ICT to enhance access to health information for gender empowerment and poverty reduction
    2. Qualitative and quantitative studies of knowledge management systems for health
    3. ICTs and evidence based health care practices
    4. ICTs and knowledge management practices for health care services
    5. The design of appropriate ICTs to meet information needs of various stakeholders in health care setting, such as health professionals, patients and health consumers
    6. ICT and indigenous knowledge management
    7. Security, privacy, and risk management through ICT
    8. Mobile health applications and access to health information
    9. Emerging technologies for disseminating health information
    10. Information discovery: portals, databases, gateways

  1. Health information literacy and information behaviour
    1. Health information literacy seeking behavior: theories and models
    2. Research approaches and methodologies for health information literacy, information needs and information seeking behavior
    3. Information seeking, searching, use and sharing in health care context
    4. Information literacy and health libraries

  1. Social media networking and dissemination of health information and knowledge: its contribution to creating knowledge societies
a.       Social media, Web 2.0 and Information Literacy 2.0 approaches for health library and information services
b.      Role of libraries in supporting web2.0-based medical education and learning
c.       Qualitative and quantitative studies of social media for health information
d.      Application of social media/networks applications, interfaces and interactions techniques in library and information centers setting
e.      Developing social media tools/ applications for health professionals, patients and health consumers
f.        Role of libraries in supporting collaborative biomedical research
g.       Ethical & legal issues, confidentiality and privacy in information delivery services

  1. Capacity building of Health Information Professionals: the role of LIS education in Africa
    1. Curriculum development for LIS education
    2. LIS education and innovative teaching techniques and methods
    3. LIS education and e-learning technologies
    4. LIS education, information literacy and ICTs
    5. LIS education and knowledge management
    6. LIS education, networking and collaboration
    7. LIS education continuing education and professional development programmes
    8. LIS job market in Africa: current trends
    9. Information literacy instruction, including curriculum development, instructional design, teaching techniques and methods, and evaluation
    10. Information literacy, online learning, distance learning and lifelong learning

  1. Bringing health information and knowledge to Africa’s rural communities through partnership and community engagement
a.       Access of health information to patients and health consumers: strategies and approaches
b.      Indigenous knowledge management
c.       Innovative rural health information services delivery
d.      Partnership and community engagement approaches for rural information provision

The Congress will incorporate the 2nd HIFA International Conference (Healthcare Information For All,, where delegates will review progress made since the launch of HIFA at AHILA 10 (Mombasa, Kenya, 2006) and ways forward to accelerate progress towards Healthcare Information For All in Africa and worldwide.

Abstract details:
·         Abstract should be in English with a maximum of 500 words.                                                                                          
·         Deadline for submission of abstracts is 1st March 2014
·         All abstracts should be submitted as an attachment and sent to the following:
1. Prof. Frankwell Dulle, Email address: OR  
2. Dr. Alfred Sife, Email OR   
3. Dr. Edda.T. Lwoga, Email address:  
4. Copy to Ms Rehema Chande-Mallya, Secretary Organising Committee: email address:

Monday, May 13, 2013

Short course: Organization of knowledge for all education levels: Classification, Cataloguing & Subject Analysis (25-29 June 2013)

Date: 25th - 29th June 2013                                         

Venue: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)

Course Fee for Tanzanians: 350,000 TShs   

Course Fee for Non-Tanzanians:US$ 300

Overall Course objectives: To equip the participants with the relevant skills and knowledge in library cataloguing and classification and subject analysis

Who Should Attend? Professionals involved in information management, institutional management, librarians, lecturers ,project administrators and any other professional who has a use for library cataloguing and classification and subject analysis in their work.

Click here for more details

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Workshop on Advanced Multilingual Online Search Techniques for Undergraduate Students (18th April 2013) - MUHAS

Target group: Undergraduate students at MUHAS
Date: Thursday, 18th April 2013
Time: 2-4.00 pm
Venue: Undergraduate ICT Computer Lab, MUHAS

Programme of the workshop:
- Advanced searching techniques – Googlelogy, and other techniques
- Library Online catalogue, Institutional repository, search e-resources tool
- Abstract and citation databases – Google scholar,Scirus
Note: interested participants are requested to submit their details at the Office No. Seven, MUHAS library
Or send emails to

By MUHAS Library management

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

5th African Conference for Digital Scholarship & Curation, Durban South Africa, 26-28 June 2013

Data collation, analysis and distribution are an integral part of digital scholarship and hence increasingly shape data management and curation activities in Africa and globally. Data infrastructures for advanced education, research and innovation are defined across a broad spectrum from virtual worlds and online gaming to laboratory instrumentation and large scale earth observations. This conference aims to surface the opportunities and challenges that data activities and infrastructures bring to current and future research.

The Planning Committee invites proposals to chair relevant sessions; or abstracts for papers, posters and workshops presented at the conference.

Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2013.

Details of the call are available online

Friday, November 30, 2012

The First MUHAS Scientific Conference 2nd-4th, 2013

The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) announces its first scientific conference that will be organized with support from Sida  and other development partners. We welcome all researchers, local and international, working in various areas of health to share their research findings with other stake holders in this conference.
The Conference will be held at the Kunduchi Beach Hotel, Dar es Salaam.

Conference Theme: Health Research Towards Poverty Alleviation.

Important Deadlines

  • 15th February 2013: Deadline for Abstract submission
  • 15th March 2013: Deadline for Early-registration
  • 22nd March 2013: Notifications of Abstract Acceptance
Click here to access the website

Friday, November 2, 2012

Apply for AFRIKA KOMMT!" ("AFRICA IS COMING!") - Germany, 2013

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany would like to inform you about the initiative "AFRIKA KOMMT!" ("AFRICA IS COMING!") which was called into being by 19 leading German enterprises for capacity buidling by German industry. 

The programme aims at highly qualified young professionals and junior executives from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa with several years of hands-on work experience, strong leadership qualities and a very high level of commitment and dedication.

For further information, please refer to the attached programme description. Applications will be accepted until 15 December 2012 only and must be submitted through the online application form.

Eighth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS8), Dernmark, 19-22 August, 2013

There is an information literacies conference track for the eighth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS8). COLIS 2013 takes place at the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-22 August, 2013. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Call for papers - Annual East African Health and Scientific Conference, 27th to 29th March 2013 in Kigali Rwanda

Main theme:  
Regional health priorities and opportunities: ‘Evidence for Action in the Changing Global Financial Situation’

i) Maternal and child health (Achieving MDGs for Maternal and Child Health).
ii) Non Communicable Diseases and Trauma
iii) Health systems strengthening
iv) Quality of health care

Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31st October 2012

Register online at:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

2nd SACIDS One Health Conference in Africa

The Second ONE HEALTH CONFERENCE IN AFRICA jointly organized with National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) to be held at Snow Crest Hotel in Arusha from 16 - 19 April 2013.

Conference Themes: The overiding theme is "Changing landscape for Health Research in Africa".

sub-themes are:
-One Health Approach in addressing inter-species Infectious Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa
-HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis and Neglected Communicable Diseases
-Non-communicable diseases in a changing environment in Sub-Saharan Africa
-Health Systems -Socio-economic determinants of health

-First Conference announcement 9th August 2012
-Abstract submission deadline: 8th November 2012
-Notification of abstract acceptance: 28th November 2012
-Conference Registration opens: 9th August 2012
-Early bird registration deadline: 31st March 2013

 Click here for more details

CALL FOR PAPERS: Conference on knowledge for poverty reduction in Tanzania: towards access to information resources

The “Open Knowledge for Poverty Reduction in Tanzania” conference will promote opportunities for learning, information sharing and policy analysis for researchers and civil society working to reduce poverty. Below is a description of the event.

Where: Bagamoyo, Tanzania December 12 -14 2012

Format: papers and poster must respond to following themes:

 -Knowledge for poverty reduction
-Gender and knowledge access
-Marginalization and knowledge access
-ICT and knowledge access
-Communication and media and knowledge access
-Knowledge access for influencing policy

Posters should present the following:
- case studies of information access for poverty reduction
- case studies of innovative mechanisms for information diffusion to socially marginalized groups

-Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 30, 2012.
-Acceptance notifications will be sent by: November 5th, 2012.
-Deadline for submission of full paper and poster content: 30th November, 2012

We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts at your earliest opportunity.

Organizers: Dr. Benedict Mongula, Institute of Development Studies, University of Dar es Salaam; Dr. Alice Nkhoma-Wamumza, Dr. W. Chagula Library, University of Dar es Salaam


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Call for Papers for IST-Africa 2013

Hosted by the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology, and Supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission, IST-Africa 2013 will take place in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 - 17 May 2013.

IST-Africa 2013 is focused on applied ICT and the core thematic areas include:
- Cloud Computing - Applications and Case Studies
- Cyber Security
- Digital Libraries and Cultural Heritage
- eGovernment - Services to Citizens & Business
- eHealth, mHealth & Health Information Systems
- eInfrastructures and NRENs
- ICT for eInclusion and eAccessibility
- ICT for Environmental Sustainability
- ICT Regulatory Frameworks
- IPv6
- Living Labs (Adaptation for Developing Countries)
- Mobile Applications (including mServices, mEducation, Social Networking)
- Open Source Software - Applications
- RFID and Networked Enterprise
- Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills
- Transformation of Research Results into Local Innovation

Interested presenters are encouraged to prepare an 8 page paper (4,000 - 5,000 words) using the IST-Africa 2013 paper guidelines and paper template provided on the IST-Africa Conference Portal, for submission online by 07 December.

The First International Conference on Pesticidal Plants

The conference will be held at the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology, ICIPE, Nairobi from 21st - 24th January 2013. 

The theme of the conference is: Harnessing Pe
sticidal Plant Technologies for Improved Livelihoods

1) Bio-prospecting: Product development, Bio-safety, Standardization and Commercialization
2) Environmental conservation and climate change: synthetic biology and biotechnology
3) Access and benefit sharing: Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation, Advocacy and Policy
4) Culture and indigenous knowledge

Subject areas
1) Stored product protection
2) Field crop pests
3) Livestock and human disease vectors
4) Plant disease control
5) Weed management
6) Bio-fertilizers and biopesticide technologies
7) Propagation and conservation
8) other pesticidal plant research

Important Deadlines
Abstract submission: 30th September, 2012
Early registration: 31st October, 2012
Exhibitors’ registration: 30st November, 2012
Full Papers submission: 30st November, 2012
Late registration:  31st December, 2012

Sponsorship: There will be opportunities to apply for travel grants for delegates and students

For more information, click here

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New technical reports from the Institute of Traditional Medicine at MUHAS have been added into the MUHAS institutional repository

These are the new titles of technical reports that have been added into the MUHAS institutional repository:
  • Promotion of community based commercial cultivation of herbal medicines and packaging of herbal nutritional supplements
  •  Promotion of community based cultivation of Hibiscus sabdariffa, Moringa oleifera, Adansonia digitata and Aloe vera for use as herbal nutritional supplements for people living with HIV/AIDS 
Click here to access these technical reports in full text

Monday, September 10, 2012

Going Global Conference 2013 - Call for proposals

Going Global 2013 will take place in Dubai, UAE on 4 - 6 March 2013 at the Dubai World Trade Centre.
Paper presentation - Monday 17 September 2012
Full conference session - Monday 17 September 2012
Poster presentations - Monday 23 November 2012

Click here for more details

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Call for Abstracts – Global Maternal Health Conference 2013

GMHC2013 is a technical conference for scientists, researchers, and policy-makers to network, share knowledge, and build on progress toward eradicating preventable maternal mortality and morbidity by improving quality of care. The conference is co-sponsored by Management and Development for Health, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and the Maternal Health Task Force at the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA.

In 2010, the first Global Maternal Health Conference was convened in New Delhi, as a partnership with the Public Health Foundation of India and the MHTF. The 2013 conference will build on the successful technical focus and abstract-driven structure of the 2010 conference.

GMHC2013 will be held at the Arusha International Conference Center in Tanzania, January 15-17, 2013, featuring:
- up to 700 participants/presenters
- parallel sessions and poster presentations within 5 tracks
- 3 plenary sessions with leading maternal health experts
- scholarships for developing country-based presenters
- high-level government officials
- a gala event at the new Mt. Meru Hotel
The GMHC 2013 Steering Committee has been established to oversee the conference program. The GMHC2013 Scientific Sub-Committee has been established to review and approve abstracts. A call for abstracts will be issued soon. Guidelines for submitting abstracts and information about conference tracks can be found at:
Abstracts can be submitted only online. The deadline for submissions is midnight EST, September 30th, 2012.
Click here for more information