The Call for Papers is available for the ITCH 2013 conference, to be
held on February 21 – 23, 2013, venue the Inn at Laurel Point, Victoria,
BC, Canada. The themes of ITCH 2013 will be “Available, tailored and
closer: enabling health and healthcare through ICT”. ITCH is an
international conference addressing Information Technology and
Communications in Health (ITCH), organised by the School of Health
Information Science, University of Victoria, BC, Canada (an Academic
Institutional Member of IMIA).
Realizing the enabling potential of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) is the theme of ITCH 2013. The conference will focus
on impacts of ICT on healthcare delivery and personal health. ITCH 2013
invites national and international papers that address one or more of
the three broad characteristics of ICT that are realizing their enabling
potential: Available, Tailored and Closer.
Persons interested in presenting should submit completed papers to the ITCH 2013 Steering Committee no later than September 10, 2012.
Papers, which must be no longer than five pages, will be peer-reviewed
for acceptance and publication in Proceedings – ITCH 2013. Authors will
be notified of acceptance by October 18, 2012.