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Thursday, October 15, 2015

The AURA Programme Consortium and WHO HIFA-Fr
are pleased to announce: 
An online learning event and facilitated discussion which will take place over three days: 
From 12.00/Midday to 15.00 GMT
Monday 2nd to Wednesday 4th November, 2015

Sponsored by the UK Government’s Department for International Development.

Overarching Theme: 
Researchers of the Future:  21st Century approaches for effective, global research.
This three day event will explore the following key topics:
  • Topic 1How has research shifted in practice? Experiences from the field from WHO and other institutions and individuals working in a global research context.
  • Topic 2What does an increased emphasis on holistic approaches mean for research?  Exploring the issues, challenges and successes associated with these approaches.
  • Topic 3How would a shift in research practice, applied in the social and digital environment, impact on the capabilities ofresearchers in the future?  Applying holistic and analytical approaches, or mixed methodologies, in a digital age
This event is sponsored by the UK Government’s Department for International Development.

 Event Schedule and Format:
This event will take place over three days from Monday 2nd to Wednesday 4th November, 2015.  It will be hosted on the WHO HIFA-Frplatform.  The online discussion will be simultaneously translated into:  EnglishFrench and Portuguese.

 Each day will take the following format:
From 12.00/Midday to 15.00 GMT
Part 1: Panel Discussion: (facilitated by an international panel of experts):  this will be livestreamed so that participants can watch the discussion and contribute their thoughts via the platform.
Part 2: Side Discussion:  There will be a reflective session/discussion of the research topic. This will be overseen by international panellists who will respond to participant questions or comments.  Participants can contribute to the side discussion asynchronously or synchronously.

 Target Audience:
This online learning event is free to join and will bring together academics and researchers, from a wide range of disciplines, who are interested in refining their understanding of, holistic and integrated approaches to research in a global context or who are already using theseapproaches in their work.
This event is aimed at: academics, researchers, policy makers, and knowledge professionals, who are conducting, or using research, to inform policy or practice in order to solve socio-economic problems in society at local, national, regional or international levels.
It will be of particular interest to those who would like explore:
The range of research approaches adopted by experts in different fields
  • How to apply approaches adopted by a range of sectors (beyond health) to their specific discipline
  • The importance of adopting a holistic and integrated approach to solving societal problems
  • The benefits of mixing methods, approaches, and disciplines
  • The experiences of experts from different disciplines
  • How research approaches have shifted during the 21st century and the implications this has for future research in a global context.

There are no registration fees – to join the event, please book your place through our Researchers of the Future Event on EventBrite ( and await further details which will be provided to you nearer to the event.
Further information:
The concept note can be found on
Contact Emma Greengrass, AURA Programme Learning Coordinator at the Institute of Development Studies. Email:

Monday, September 21, 2015

MUHAS leads pack in science articles posting

THE Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) leads the pack of its fellow research and academic institutions in Tanzania in the number of articles in the web of science in the last five years, a new study shows.
Presenting the findings of a research on the institutions in Dar es Salaam, Mr Paul Muneja, from the University of Dar es Salaam said MUHAS had 311 articles in the web of science between 2009 and 2014, Sokoine University of Agriculture had 208, KCMC had 138 while the National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) had 146.
Mr Muneja presented the findings during a workshop on the policy support for financing, quality and comprehensive analysis of STI Journals and strategies to increase quality and use online publishing technologies.
He said that like other universities in Africa, higher learning institutions in Tanzania are faced by many challenges to meet scholarly communications objectives. He said that the challenges related to publishers were institutional, related to publishers, high rejection rate, delay in getting feedback from publishers and article processing charges, which can go to a tune of 3,000 USD per article.
He urged that to beat some of those challenges, it was important to internationalise local journals. He pointed out that there were also institutional challenges which include lack of internal support, and mentoring, lacking publishing policy.
Presenting her findings on open access, as an option for researchers to publish, Prof Tandi Luoga from MUHAS said that over 50 per cent of medical institutions in Africa have no journal subscription, according to World Health Organisation (WHO). Prof Luoga noted that Africa’s total number of publications accounted to 2.1 per cent of total world publication while Europe and North America accounted to 40 per cent and 23 per cent respectively.
In her study, she found that 93.5 per cent of researchers in eight universities are not familiar with specific open access opportunities.
But she added that in their responses, over 80 per cent of the researchers were positive about the benefits of open access. She proposed that universities and research institutions should advocate for open access policies and also establish institutional repositories.
Addressing the gathering earlier, the President of Tanzania Academy of Sciences (TAAS), Prof Esther Mwaikambo, said the participants was supposed to come up with a forum for pushing, building capacity, financing and quality international level production of Tanzania’s STI journals and increase quality papers.
The main participants were policy makers, people from universities, publishers, private sector, research organisations, academy fellows and beneficiaries of strategies to increase quality and use online of Tanzania Science Technology and Innovation (STI) journals. They discussed and raised understanding on considerations of financing, quality production and comprehensive analysis.

Monday, August 24, 2015


DATE:19th- 21st OCTOBER, 2015

The three days workshop will equip participants with advanced knowledge and technical skills on records management; library cataloging and classification and subject analysis.
Specifically the workshop will cover the following topics:

  • ·         Basic records terminologies and different types of records
  • ·         Standards and procedures for organization of records
  • ·         Application of procedures for  organizing  records
  • ·         Introduction to organization of knowledge
  • ·         Descriptive cataloging of library materials using AACR2 rules
  • ·         Subject analysis and formulation of subject headings
  • ·         Application of Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal Classification Schemes
  • ·         CIP Cataloging
  • ·         Online cataloging

Professionals involved in information management, records management, archivists, librarians, information scientists, and any other professionals in records management and library cataloging and classification.   

The workshop will be conducted from Monday 19th to Wednesday 21st October 2015 (3 days) at Muhimbili University Library ICT LAB
WORKSHOP FEE:                                                                                                                         
The workshop fee is TZS 350,000/= per each participant covering the course fee, stationeries, refreshments and certificates. Participants are requested to arrange transport and accommodation at their own cost.
The course will be facilitated by experienced subject and educational specialists from Muhimbili University Library in collaboration with their counterpart from the University of Dar es Salaam Library.
Payment is due before start of workshop. Payment can be made through the institutional bank account at any National Microfinance Bank (NMB) branch. Account Number: 2091100002, and Account Name: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. Confirm your participation and payment by 15th October 2015.

For further information regarding the course (workshop) details (registration, course content and fee) please contact the following:

1.      Agatha Mbawala
P.O BOX 65001, Dar es Salaam
Cellular:0714545457 or 0688385356

2.      Mr. William J. Mviombo

P.O. Box 65001, Dar es Salaam
Cellular: 0713 23 66 49, 0684 236649

Friday, July 17, 2015


The Directorate of Library Services has received a donation of a book titled ATLAS OF CREATION authored by Harun Yahya from Global Publishing Company
This book displays the validity of the theory of evolution by illustrating dozens of fossils remains gathered from various parts of the world