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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Call for Joint Research Project Proposals-2012

15 November 2012 to 15 January 2013

In April 2011 an agreement on collaboration in Science and Technology between the governments of South Africa and Tanzania was signed. Towards implementat
ion of the signed agreement, the two countries developed a Plan of Action. The Plan of Action sought to facilitate scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries by supporting researchers from universities, universities of technology, science councils and public research institutes on an equal and mutually beneficial basis.

The Joint research project proposals shall be submitted to the relevant authorities in both countries for evaluation, being the Commission for Science and Technology in Tanzania and the National Research Foundation in South Africa (NRF).

For the purposes of this call, research projects falling within the following areas/disciplines will be considered:

Nano material (manufacturing)
Agricultural value addition (processing and packaging) and Animal embryo transplant

Scholarship opportunities in Sweden

The Swedish Institute announces scholarship opportunities for international students. The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships targets highly qualified students from Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. (The program is also open for applicants from Bangladesh, Bolivia and Cambodia)

About 140 scholarships altogether will be awarded for higher education studies in Sweden on Master’s level. The grants cover tuition fees, living costs and a one time travel grant.

5th African Conference for Digital Scholarship & Curation, Durban South Africa, 26-28 June 2013

Data collation, analysis and distribution are an integral part of digital scholarship and hence increasingly shape data management and curation activities in Africa and globally. Data infrastructures for advanced education, research and innovation are defined across a broad spectrum from virtual worlds and online gaming to laboratory instrumentation and large scale earth observations. This conference aims to surface the opportunities and challenges that data activities and infrastructures bring to current and future research.

The Planning Committee invites proposals to chair relevant sessions; or abstracts for papers, posters and workshops presented at the conference.

Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2013.

Details of the call are available online

List of new books added at the Special Reserve Section, MUHAS Library - 5th December 2012

List of new books added at the Special Reserve Section, MUHAS Library - 5th December 2012

Retrieve the list from MUHAS website

Friday, November 30, 2012


Target group: Postgraduate students at MUHAS
Date: Friday, 14th December 2012
Time: 2-4.30 pm
Venue: Undergraduate ICT Computer Lab, MUHAS
Programme of the workshop:
-  Advanced searching techniques – Googlelogy, and other techniques
- Library Online catalogue, Institutional repository, search e-resources tool
- Abstract and citation databases – Google scholar, sciencedirect, Scopus, Scirus
Note: interested participants are requested to submit their details at the Special Reserve Section, MUHAS library Or send emails to

By MUHAS Library management

The First MUHAS Scientific Conference 2nd-4th, 2013

The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) announces its first scientific conference that will be organized with support from Sida  and other development partners. We welcome all researchers, local and international, working in various areas of health to share their research findings with other stake holders in this conference.
The Conference will be held at the Kunduchi Beach Hotel, Dar es Salaam.

Conference Theme: Health Research Towards Poverty Alleviation.

Important Deadlines

  • 15th February 2013: Deadline for Abstract submission
  • 15th March 2013: Deadline for Early-registration
  • 22nd March 2013: Notifications of Abstract Acceptance
Click here to access the website

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL) for full-text searching in over 200 highly ranked journals is now available at MUHAS library

"Access Current Health Reserach" 
TEEAL - The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL) for local area networks is now available at MUHAS library

TEEAL is an offline full-text and searchable database of articles from 200 high-quality research journals in agriculture, health and other related disciplines.

Search and browse offline database of full-text articles from over 200 journals in Agriculture, Animal science, Biotechnology and microbiology, Chemistry and biochemistry, Economics and social science, Environment and natural resources,
Food science and nutrition, Forestry, Human medicine and physiology, and Plant and soil science

Please visit MUHAS library computer lab, first floor to access the offline database.