Hosted by the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology, and Supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission, IST-Africa 2013 will take place in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 - 17 May 2013.
IST-Africa 2013 is focused on applied ICT and the core thematic areas include:
- Cloud Computing - Applications and Case Studies
- Cyber Security
- Digital Libraries and Cultural Heritage
- eGovernment - Services to Citizens & Business
- eHealth, mHealth & Health Information Systems
- eInfrastructures and NRENs
- ICT for eInclusion and eAccessibility
- ICT for Environmental Sustainability
- ICT Regulatory Frameworks
- IPv6
- Living Labs (Adaptation for Developing Countries)
- Mobile Applications (including mServices, mEducation, Social Networking)
- Open Source Software - Applications
- RFID and Networked Enterprise
- Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills
- Transformation of Research Results into Local Innovation
Interested presenters are encouraged to prepare an 8 page paper (4,000 - 5,000 words) using the IST-Africa 2013 paper guidelines and paper template provided on the IST-Africa Conference Portal, for submission online by 07 December.