DIrectorate of Library Services

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

HIV Research Trust Scholarships for 2013

Applications for HIV Research Trust Scholarships for 2013 will be open from  5 September 2012 and will close  17 October 2012.

These Scholarships are awarded competitively to researchers in countries where resources are scarce. The scheme has been very successful and this year we again anticipate up to 20 such awards.

Details of the scholarships, including the criteria for the awards, are available on the HIV Research Trust website. Researchers who might benefit from the Scholarship, and who fulfil the criteria for the award, should apply online before 17th October 2012.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reminder: Workshop on Library Cataloguing, Classification and Records Management (24th -29th September 2012) - Open for Registration

The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) through its MUHAS Library will organize a five days workshop on Library Cataloging, Classification and Records Management
WORKSHOP DATES AND VENUE: From  Monday 24th to Saturday 29th  September 2012 ( 5 days) at Muhimbili University Library
WORKSHOP FEES: Tsh 350,000/= per participant to cover stationery, meals ( tea and lunch ), lecture notes and certificate.
COURSE OBJECTIVES:To equip the participants with the relevant skills and knowledge in library cataloguing and classification and records management
FACILITATOR:The course will be facilitated by experienced librarian from Muhimbili University Library,  UDSM  Library and Tanzania Library Service

Specifically the course will cover:
 Part 1: Cataloguing and classification
·         Descriptive cataloguing of library materials using AACR2 rules
·         Subjects analysis and formulation of subject headings.
·         Application of Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal Classification schemes.
·         CIP Cataloguing and LC online cataloguing
         Part 2: Records Management.
·         Definition of records management and its importance
·         Preservation and conservation of paper records
·         Classification schemes
·         Tracking of records inside and outside the registry
·         Organisation and storage of records
·         Developing records policies
·         Safety and security of records
Librarians, Library Officers, Library Assistants and practitioners with particular responsibility for records management including : Human Resources personnel, Records personnel, Registry officers, Information officers, Health records personnel, Financial records personnel, Archivists, Documentalists, Administrators, Secretaries, Procurement Records Assistants and all those involved in information Managements in NGO'S private and public sectors.
Payment is due before start of workshop. Payment can be made by depositing money in our account by cash. Name of account is Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences and Account Number is 2091100002 NMB Bank Muhimbili branch.
Confirm your participation and payment by 18th September, 2012.
The participants will have to make  transport and accommodation arrangements at their own cost.
For further information about the workshop  please contact the following:
For further information about the workshop please contact the following:

Mr Christom Aron Mwambungu
Mob: 0713 312413/0754 721036
Email: or

Mr Silas Maganga
Mob: 0715 597979

Mr William . Mviombo
Mob: 0713 236649

Find free scientific articles in PDF Format

As you know, we all are facing difficult at any level to get the full text scientific article of our interest. For this reason, a new search engine has been developed in order to find free full text scientific articles in PDF Format. This search engine indexes more than 80 million of free references (mostly to journal articles, theses, patents and posters).

Click here to access teh search engine 

We hope that this tool will help you in your research domain.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Institute of Traditional Medicine News Bulletin

After about 26 years since the last issue of the ITM News Buletin was published, volume 3 is now published and available online. To get it; visit the Muhimbili University website at MUHAS website you will be able to download it

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Forthcoming conference: The European Conference on Information Literacy (or ECIL) - Instanbul, Turkey 23-25 October 2013

Organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University and Department of Information and Communication Sciences of Zagreb University, European Conference on Information Literacy (or ECIL) will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, from 22-25 October 2013.

ECIL is an international conference supported by Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, Information Literacy Section of IFLA and many other prestigious universities, associations, and organizations actively involved in media and information literacy.

Digital library of the Tanzanian health community

This is a digital repository of published and unpublished material contributed by government, researchers, academics, students and others interested in health in Tazania. It is coordinated by Ifakara Health Institute. e-Health runs on EPrints and is hosted by the University of Southampton.
Click here to access the repository

Recent Additions to the repository
1. Pearson, T., Busch, J. D., Ravel, J., et al (2004) Phylogenetic discovery bias in Bacillus anthracis using single-nucleotide polymorphisms from whole-genome sequencing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101 (37). pp. 13536-13541. ISSN 0027-8424 Item availability may be restricted.

2. Phillips-Howard, P. A., Nahlen, B. L., Alaii, J. A., et al (2003) The efficacy of permethrin-treated bed nets on child mortality and morbidity in western Kenya I. Development of infrastructure and description of study site. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 68 (4 Supp). pp. 3-9. ISSN 0002-9637 Item availability may be restricted.

3. Tami, A., Mubyazi, G., Talbert, A., et al (2004) Evaluation of Olyset insecticide-treated nets distributed seven years previously in Tanzania. Malaria journal, 3 (19). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1475-2875 (In Press)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Call for papers: The International Academy of Physician Associate Educators 5th Annual (16th - 18th, September 2012)

The International Academy of Physician Associate Educators 5th Annual Meeting will be held at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa from the 16th to the 18th of September 2012 under the theme “Exploring the Roles of the Non-Physician Clinician”. IAPAE is pleased to be collaborating with the American International Health Alliance (AIHA)HIV/AIDS Twinning Center and the University of the Witwatersrand Centre for Rural Health in holding this event.

IAPAE 2012 will highlight contemporary issues facing the education of non-physician clinicians (clinical officers, medical officers, clinical associates, physician assistants, etc.) to meet the health care needs of their respective countries. The meeting will focus on defining common competencies, refining scope of practice and breaking down barriers to practice.

The conference will provide an opportunity for educators from around the globe to pre-sent short papers within the panel format. Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes each and must be given in English. If you wish to submit a proposal for consideration, please send the following:
1. The title of the presentation:
2. Your name or the name of the presenter:
3. An abstract of your presentation of no more than 200 words.

For more information and registration information, please see attached flyer and also visit the following website