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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Call for papers: The International Academy of Physician Associate Educators 5th Annual (16th - 18th, September 2012)

The International Academy of Physician Associate Educators 5th Annual Meeting will be held at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa from the 16th to the 18th of September 2012 under the theme “Exploring the Roles of the Non-Physician Clinician”. IAPAE is pleased to be collaborating with the American International Health Alliance (AIHA)HIV/AIDS Twinning Center and the University of the Witwatersrand Centre for Rural Health in holding this event.

IAPAE 2012 will highlight contemporary issues facing the education of non-physician clinicians (clinical officers, medical officers, clinical associates, physician assistants, etc.) to meet the health care needs of their respective countries. The meeting will focus on defining common competencies, refining scope of practice and breaking down barriers to practice.

The conference will provide an opportunity for educators from around the globe to pre-sent short papers within the panel format. Presentations will be limited to 10 minutes each and must be given in English. If you wish to submit a proposal for consideration, please send the following:
1. The title of the presentation:
2. Your name or the name of the presenter:
3. An abstract of your presentation of no more than 200 words.

For more information and registration information, please see attached flyer and also visit the following website

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

(NEW) Workshop on Library Cataloguing, Classification and Records Management (24th -29th September 2012) - Open for Registration

The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) through its MUHAS Library will organize a five days workshop on Library Cataloging, Classification and Records Management

WORKSHOP DATES AND VENUE: From Monday 24th to Saturday 29th September 2012 ( 5 days) at Muhimbili University Library

WORKSHOP FEES: Tsh 350,000/= per participant to cover stationery, meals ( tea and lunch ), lecture notes and certificate.

COURSE OBJECTIVES:To equip the participants with the relevant skills and knowledge in library cataloguing and classification and records management

FACILITATORS:The course will be facilitated by experienced librarians from the Muhimbili University Library, UDSM Library and Tanzania Library Service



For further information about the workshop please contact the following:
Mr Christom Aron Mwambungu
Mob: 0713 312413/0754 721036
Email: or

Mr Silas Maganga
Mob: 0715 597979

Mr William . Mviombo
Mob: 0713 236649

Latest e-resources in economics, human rights and finance

UN in General

UN News Centre: Coverage of the Rio+20 Conference

Tracking Support for the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) - new website of
the Integrated Implementation Framework (IIF)
This site records and monitors commitments made in support of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by UN Member States and other international stakeholders. Data is displayed through an interactive data visualization and mapping tool, raw datasets and searchable qualitative data entries.

Green Economy: A selection of recent material prepared by the UNOG Library

United Nations Publications: Spring Summer 2012 Catalogue.

Peace and Security

CTBTO - revamped website
The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Organization (CTBTO) has launched its revamped website. The design, structure and functionality have been optimized for enhanced user-friendliness. Video-audio content and multiple social media platforms have been integrated. It becomes ‘one stop shop‘ for all information on ending nuclear testing.

Disarmament and Atomic Energy
Disarmament forum, four, 2011: Confronting cyberconflict, (UNIDIR - United Nations Institut for Disarmament Research .

Strengthening the Rule of Law in Crisis-affected and Fragile Situations: Global
Programme Annual Report 2011 (UNDP)
Violent conflict has declined significantly in the past two decades, yet one and a half billion people still live in fragile or conflict-affected countries. Strengthening the rule of law in crisis-affected and fragile countries by providing people with security and justice will enable governments, communities and individuals to find solutions to conflict and allow men, women and children to live in transparent, accountable and just societies.

United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, 2-27 July 2012, New York
The dedicated UN website on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) negotiations went live on 7 June 2012. This website serves as the primary information platform regarding the historic United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty that will take place in New York from 2 – 27 July 2012. The Conference will begin with a high-level segment during which the attendance of government ministers and the Secretary-General of the United Nations is
expected. The Conference aims to deliver on the most important initiative ever within the United Nations in the field of conventional arms regulation: a robust agreement on common standards regarding the international transfer of arms.

United Nations Security Sector Reform
This publication – published by the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) – is the first of its kind and describes the evolution of the UN SSR agenda and showcases activities being undertaken in the field and by the SSR Unit at Headquarters. The UN SSR Perspective was produced by DPKO’s SSR Unit, which serves as the focal point and technical resource capacity for the UN system, as well as national and international partners The SSR Unit focuses on three areas: it supports the rapidly expanding number of field Missions and Offices involved in assisting national SSR efforts. It develops guidance and fosters a normative basis for SSR. It co-chairs the UN Inter-agency SSR Task Force at the working level, and serves as its secretariat.

Economic & Social Development

Africa Human Development Report 2012: Towards a Food Secure Future.
United Nations Development Programme. New York. 2012.

Africa Human Development Report 2012: Towards a Food Secure Future.

Africa Report on New and Emerging Challenges (AU / ADB / UNDP / UNEP).
Africa is home to about one quarter of the internationally recognized biodiversity hotspots whose resources are sustaining the livelihood of millions of people in Africa. Two-thirds of the population in sub Saharan Africa relies on products from the forests of the subregion while wild resources and non timber forest products provide up to 35 percent of rural household incomes in Zimbabwe and over 50 percent in Senegal.

Energy-Smart Food at FAO: An overview (FAO)
The report examined the linkages between energy and agrifood systems and their implications for food security and climate. The study recommended programme based on three pillars (1) improving energy efficiency in agrifood systems, (2) increasing the use of renewable energy in these systems and (3) improving access to modern energy services through integrated food and energy production.

Fundamental principles and rights at work: From commitment to action (ILO)
The International Labour Organization (LO) has issued a report on the worldwide situation concerning its fundamental principles and rights of work – freedom of association and collective bargaining, forced and child labour and discrimination. It will be discussed at the 101st International Labour Conference, to be held between 30 May and 14 June 2012 in Geneva.

Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5): Environment for the future we want
Further resources, including regional summaries:
The world continues to speed down an unsustainable path despite over 500 internationally agreed goals and objectives to support the sustainable management of the environment and improve human wellbeing. The report assessed 90 of the most-important environmental goals and objectives and found that significant progress had only been made in four.
Measuring Water use in a Green Economy (UNDP)
The report covers decoupling within integrated water resource management, including innovative approaches and technologies to maximise water-use efficiency and productivity gains in different sectors.

The State of the World's Forests 2012 (FAO)
Sustainable use of forestry resources can make a significant contribution to meeting many of the core challenges being discussed in Rio, including reducing poverty and hunger, minimizing the impacts of climate change, and creating alternative and more sustainable sources of bio-products and bio-energy for human use.

Towards the future we want: End hunger and make the transition to sustainable
agricultural and food systems (FAO at Rio+20)
This policy document – issued by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) – urges governments to establish and protect rights to resources, especially for the poor; incorporate incentives for sustainable consumption and production into food systems; promote fair and well-functioning agricultural and food markets; reduce risks and increase the resilience of the most vulnerable; invest public resources in essential public goods, especially innovation and infrastructure.

UNEP South-South Cooperation Exchange Mechanism
What do a biomass project at a Kenyan sugar factory, sustainable mining in Sierra Leone and orang-utan conservation in the rainforests of Borneo have in common? All three are among a host of initiatives included in a new online database from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which aims to strengthen partnerships between sustainable development projects in developing countries.

Working towards sustainable development: Opportunities for decent work and
social inclusion in a green economy (UNEP / ILO / IOE / ITUC)
The transformation to a greener economy could generate 15 to 60 million additional jobs globally over the next two decades and lift tens of millions of workers out of poverty, according to a new report led by the Green Jobs Initiative. The study "Working towards sustainable development: Opportunities for decent work and social inclusion in a green economy " says that these gains will depend on whether the right set of policies are put in place.

World Economic Situation and Prospects 2012: Update as of mid-2012 (UN DESA)
The European debt crisis is currently the biggest threat to the world economy, according to a United Nations report released on 7 June 2012, which warns that the austerity measures followed by countries in the region will plunge them further into recession, and calls for a shift in fiscal policies to stimulate growth. “An escalation of the crisis could result in severe turmoil in financial markets and a sharp rise in global risk aversion, leading to a further weakening of global growth,” states the WESP 2012 mid-year update.

Human Rights

Children and armed conflict (A/66/782–S/2012/261)
The Secretary-General issued his annual report on children and armed conflict to the Security Council which gives an overview of the situation of girls and boys in conflict zones and measures taken for their protection. The report includes a list of parties who recruit and use children, kill and maim, commit sexual violence or attack schools and hospitals; the so-called “list of shame.” “2011 shows a mixed picture. While new crises erupted with a heavy toll on children such as in Syria, and also in Libya, violations against girls and boys have come to an end in other parts of the world,” the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict Radhika Coomaraswamy said.

Report on Human Rights in Iraq: 2011 (UNAMI / OHCHR)
The human rights situation in Iraq remains fragile as the country continues its transition from years of dictatorship, conflict, and violence, to peace and democracy,” states a United Nations report for 2011 on the human rights situation in Iraq prepared and published by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) in cooperation with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). e report recognizes that the Government of Iraq made some progress in implementing measures to protect and promote the human rights of the Iraqi people. However, the impact of these measures on the overall human rights situation remained limited.

Humanitarian Affairs

Global Trends Report 2011 (UNHCR)
The report shows 2011 to have been a record year for forced displacement across borders, with more people becoming refugees than at any time since 2000. In all, 4.3 million people were newly displaced, with a full 800,000 of these fleeing their countries and becoming refugees.

OCHA Annual Report 2011
A wave of natural disasters and political upheaval in 2011 threatened tens of millions of lives. Earthquake and tsunami in Japan, disasters in Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Globally, natural disasters killed almost 26,000 people. The cumulative economic cost was US$380 billion, making 2011 the most expensive year in history.

The State of the World's Refugees: In Search of Solidarity (UNHCR).

The number of displaced persons worldwide will significantly grow over the next ten years due to factors such as conflict, natural disasters and climate change, according to the flagship publication of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), launched on 31 May 2012, which stresses that international solidarity is needed to address the issue.

Trade, Finance and Commerce

Economic Development in Africa Report 2012: Structural Transformation and Sustainable Development in Africa.

Bulletins, brochures:

Bulletin on action by the United Nations system and intergovernmental organizations relevant to the question of Palestine, January 2012, Volume XXXV, Bulletin No. 1. United Nations. Division for Palestinian Rights.

Bulletin on action by the United Nations system and intergovernmental organizations relevant to the question of Palestine, April 2011, Volume XXXIV, Bulletin No. 4. United Nations. Division for Palestinian Rights.
Bulletin on action by the United Nations system and intergovernmental organizations relevant to the question of Palestine, March 2011, Volume XXXIV, Bulletin No. 3. United Nations. Division for Palestinian Rights.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization: Volume 90, Number 6, June 2012, p. 401,476.

United Nations Peacekeeping Operations – Fact Sheet: 31 May 2012
(Rev.133, June 2012)

United Nations Political and Peacebuilding Missions – Fact Sheet: 31 May 2012
(Rev.107, June 2012)


Friday, July 13, 2012

Tanzania Dental Journal is now available online via SABINET

The Tanzania Dental Journal is published by the Tanzania Dental Association biannually. The journal focuses on articles on original research work, reviews, short communications, letters, and case reports on all aspects of oral health.

23 issues from 1984 to 2010 are now available online.

You may visit the SABINET website at or access the journal directly by clicking here

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Free full text African e-journals

New annotated links to online journals in health and allied sciences have been added to the library website, including 
African Journal Archive - A full-text, digital archive of journal articles published in Africa is now available The African Journal Archive will make African research and cultural heritage published in Africa available free of charge to Africa-based and international researchers.
African e-Journals Project- The African e-Journals Project makes journals published in Africa and about Africa more available to scholars worldwide.
Africa Research Central - Africa Research Central is your gateway to the archives, libraries, and museums with important collections of African primary sources.
Aluka - Aluka is an international, collaborative initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources from and about Africa. Member of JSTOR since 2008.
Africa Journals Online - African Journals OnLine (AJOL) is the world's largest and pre-eminent collection of peer-reviewed, African-published scholarly journals.

Access Latest e-resources on Delicious

Free access to full text e-journals via emerald

Free access to the following recent special issues and more via emerald

“Learning in the 21st Century”, Campus Wide Information Systems – Guest Edited by Greg Anderson. See here for table for contents.

“Cigarette Smoking in China”, Health Education – Guest Edited by Han Zao Li. See here for table of contents.

Access these issues free here with the login details:
Username: EDUQ22012, Password: emerald

Click here to access more journal articles

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

IDRC Research Awards

Deadline: September 12, 2012

The application process for the September 12, 2012 competition is currently under review. Candidates can look at the positions offered for the 2013 internships and start preparing their research proposal, but must wait for the revised application form before applying. Final instructions on required documents, criteria, and application process will be available on the IDRC page by July 31, 2012.

Note that all applications must be sent electronically.

IDRC offers these research awards (formerly known as the IDRC Internship Awards) annually to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing masters or doctoral studies at a recognized university or having completed a master’s or doctoral program at a recognized university.

As a research award recipient, you will undertake a one-year paid program of research on the topic you submitted when competing for the award. During part of the time (often around 50%), you will be trained in research management through hands-on experience with your chosen program. You will be mentored by an IDRC staff member.

Who can apply
The program is aimed at candidates who, through demonstrated achievements in academic studies, work, or research, have shown interest in creating and using knowledge from an international perspective.

To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:
  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, or a citizen of a developing country.
  • Be either currently enrolled at a recognized university at the master's or doctoral level or have completed a masters or doctoral degree at a recognized university. These awards may be part of an academic requirement.
  • Your proposed research must focus on one or more developing countries.