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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Free access to full text e-journals via emerald

Free access to the following recent special issues and more via emerald

“Learning in the 21st Century”, Campus Wide Information Systems – Guest Edited by Greg Anderson. See here for table for contents.

“Cigarette Smoking in China”, Health Education – Guest Edited by Han Zao Li. See here for table of contents.

Access these issues free here with the login details:
Username: EDUQ22012, Password: emerald

Click here to access more journal articles

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

IDRC Research Awards

Deadline: September 12, 2012

The application process for the September 12, 2012 competition is currently under review. Candidates can look at the positions offered for the 2013 internships and start preparing their research proposal, but must wait for the revised application form before applying. Final instructions on required documents, criteria, and application process will be available on the IDRC page by July 31, 2012.

Note that all applications must be sent electronically.

IDRC offers these research awards (formerly known as the IDRC Internship Awards) annually to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing masters or doctoral studies at a recognized university or having completed a master’s or doctoral program at a recognized university.

As a research award recipient, you will undertake a one-year paid program of research on the topic you submitted when competing for the award. During part of the time (often around 50%), you will be trained in research management through hands-on experience with your chosen program. You will be mentored by an IDRC staff member.

Who can apply
The program is aimed at candidates who, through demonstrated achievements in academic studies, work, or research, have shown interest in creating and using knowledge from an international perspective.

To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:
  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, or a citizen of a developing country.
  • Be either currently enrolled at a recognized university at the master's or doctoral level or have completed a masters or doctoral degree at a recognized university. These awards may be part of an academic requirement.
  • Your proposed research must focus on one or more developing countries.

EIFL-PLIP (Electronic Information for Libraries-Public Library Innovation Programme) Awards

EIFL-PLIP (Electronic Information for Libraries-Public Library Innovation Programme) is inviting applications for a new award that recognizes the
valuable impact of library health services.
   - The invitation is open to all public and community libraries in developing and transition countries.
   - The prize is US$1,500 and the opportunity to showcase your service at an international conference or gathering.
   - You can apply in English, Russian, French or Spanish.
   - The deadline - July 31 - is less than a month away... so start
   preparing your application NOW!

Libraries everywhere are providing valuable health services, using cutting-edge information and communication technology (ICT). They are increasing access to health information and health services, improving health literacy, connecting patients to their doctors and disseminating vital information via email and SMS.  EIFL-PLIP wants to share stories about innovative and effective health services, so that others can see valuable contribution that public libraries are making.

If your library is using ICT to improve community health, then this award is for you! Tell us your story and show us the impact of your service.

For further information and details of how to apply, visit

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Multinational Working Group (GMT) on the theme of "Africa in the Information Society Era": Call for proposal

Deadline: 30 September 2012

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is calling for proposals for its new Multinational Working Group (GMT) on the theme of "Africa in the Information Society Era". The MWG is an important CODESRIA program aimed at promoting multinational and multidisciplinary reflections on issues affecting the African community of social science researchers. For more details on the MWGs and on the activities of CODESRIA, visit the Council’s website:

Call for Proposals Capacity Development Research Grants

Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA) is pleased to announce the 2nd call for proposals for the year 2012.
REPOA research grants aim to develop a vibrant community of beginning and intermediate researchers capable of undertaking research that is credible and relevant to development challenges, with special attention to poverty analysis. Support is provided to short term studies (up to one year) in areas that are relevant to REPOA’s overall research agenda.

The proposals should be in themes relating to poverty analysis and poverty reduction within REPOA’s broad research agenda, which are Growth and Development, Social Protection and Governance

The deadline for research proposals is August 10th 2012
For more information please click here.

Monday, July 9, 2012

New annotated links to online journals on library website

New annotated links to online journals in health and allied sciences have been added to the library website, including 
African Journal Archive - A full-text, digital archive of journal articles published in Africa is now available The African Journal Archive will make African research and cultural heritage published in Africa available free of charge to Africa-based and international researchers.
African e-Journals Project- The African e-Journals Project makes journals published in Africa and about Africa more available to scholars worldwide.
Africa Research Central - Africa Research Central is your gateway to the archives, libraries, and museums with important collections of African primary sources.
Aluka - Aluka is an international, collaborative initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources from and about Africa. Member of JSTOR since 2008.

Click here for more links

Power Searching with Google - free online course

Google is hosting a new MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) - Power Searching with Google is a free online course featuring powerful techniques to solve real, everyday problems using Google.

Registration is open now. You have to create a gmail account in order to register

Course Details

Power Searching with Google is a free online, community-based course showcasing search techniques and how to use them to solve real, everyday problems. It features:

  • Six 50-minute classes.
  • Interactive activities to practice new skills.
  • Opportunities to connect with others using Google Groups, Google+, and Hangouts on Air.
Upon passing the post-course assessment, a printable Certificate of Completion will be emailed to you.
Ready to get started?

·Registration is open from June 26, 2012 to July 16, 2012. We recommend that you register before the first class is released on July 10, 2012!

· New classes will become available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday starting on July 10, 2012 and ending on July 19, 2012.
· Course-related activities will end on July 23, 2012.