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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mary Ann Liebert database - E-resource of the month

Mary Ann Liebert is a database subscribed by the MUHAS library through INASP/PERI programme  offering 64 authoritative publications in the most promising areas of biotechnology, biomedical research/life sciences, clinical medicine and surgery, alternative and complementary medicine, law, philanthropy, environmental science and sustainability
The database is free to access at MUHAS. You do not need to log in. Access the database:

Access the title list - Mary Ann Liebert

Monday, June 18, 2012


Scheduled to take place from 19th November - 2nd December 2012 in Kampala, Uganda

The course will be facilitated by Tanzania Public Service College Lecturers, ZYLAB Technologies Experts,
Makerere University Lectures and Info World Specialists

VENUE: Kampala, Uganda


Please find attached course details and Registration form by clicking here.

Announcing the 8th Annual International Conference - MOI University

Adaptations to Global Dynamics: Challenges and Opportunities


School of Dentistry - Innovation and Challenges in Global Health Dynamics
Dr. G. Akama (;

School of Medicine - Research and Innovative Clinical Practice in Solving the Global Health Challenges
Dr. Ngwena A. G. Magak (;

School of Nursing - Provision of Universal Health
Mrs. Theresah Wambui (;

School of Public Health- Public Health Challenges and opportunities in a Volatile Environment
Dr. Christina A. Otieno (;

School of Engineering - Innovative Advances in Engineering, Science and Management for Industrialization and National Development
Dr. J. R. Kosgei (;

School of Information Sciences - Adaptations to Global Dynamics in Information Management
Dr. E. Bosire (;

School of Law - New Dimensions in Legal Adaptation to Global Dynamics: International and Comparative Perspectives
Mr. Josphat Ayamunda (;

Cross Cutting - The Role of Contemporary Issues on Global Changes: Their Implications to Humanity
Prof. Eunice Kamaara (;

Moi University, Main Campus-Margaret Thatcher Library on Tuesday 4th – Saturday 8th September 2012

Submission of abstracts: Final Call: 30th June, 2012 via e-mail/soft copy
Submission of full papers: Final Call: Friday 3rd August, 2012 via e-mail/soft copy

Further Conference details at:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Reflections from the Digital Repository Workshop at MUHAS (12-15 June 2012)

Academicians, librarians and ICT specialists from Tanzanian universities and research institutes have been urged to establish digital repository to enhance access to research outputs in their institutions and beyond. Officiating the opening of the digital repository workshop at MUHAS, the Chairperson of the Senate MUHAS Library Committee, Prof Temu said that "our institutions generate a lot of research information, most of which is available in local, regional and international journals. However, there is also equally important information lying on our shelves in the form of research results, reports, dissertations, theses, and undergraduate final year reports that may be useful to inform new researches or even contribute to policy. Thus after this workshop, all these information will be easily accessible and thus its use will be abundant to those who produced them and a few stakeholders. This four days digital repository workshop is an important step in enabling establishment of repositories in our institutions to enhance access and dissemination of research findings".

The workshop has brought  together, librarians, ICT specialists and academicians from Tanzania and outside Tanzania, particularly Malawi, Kenya and Nigeria. The workshop is organized and facilitated by Information, Training and Outreach Center for Africa (ITOCA), and its collaborating partners Muhimbili University of Health and allied Sciences (MUHAS), Cornell University in USA, Institute of Development Studies, UK, and Royal Tropical Institute of Netherlands.

Prof Temu further added that MUHAS Library has organized not less than ten workshops on the management of e-resources and web 2.0 technologies, but this workshop is the first of its kind as it aims at imparting skills on digital repositories which is important in increasing visibility of research outputs in our institutions. The Guest of Honor further added that through this workshop, participants will have an opportunity of sharing your views on how to enhance the quality of research and education by establishing digital repositories in their institutions.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Advanced Online Searches Workshop for MUHAS Students (20th June 2012) - open for registration

Organized by the Directorate of Library Services (MUHAS)

Target group:  undergraduate/ postgraduate students
 Date: Wednesday, 20th June, 2012
Time: 2-4 pm
Venue: library ICT training room

Content: construction of a search query, Boolean logic, Googlelogy, and use of HINARI&PUBMED database

Note: interested participants are requested to submit their details at the special reserve section, MUHAS library

Friday, June 8, 2012

Call for Papers: 13th Congress of the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa

Call for Papers: 13th Congress of the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa  The conference will be held in the city of Praia in Cape Verde and will not only provide a valuable platform for sharing experiences and knowledge but it will also provide an opportunity for the participants to enjoy the beautiful island of Cape Verde.
The Organising Committee invites the submission of papers for presentation at the conference. Papers should reflect the conference theme: "Enhancing Access to Health Information in Africa: Research, Collaboration and Innovation"
The abstracts should be guided by the following sub-themes:
Global partnerships and access to health information in Africa
Empowering end-user access and use of health information
The role of ICT in enhancing access to health information in Africa
Promoting research among healthcare providers through access to health information
Strengthening library and information networks at country level

Abstract submission guidelines
The abstract should be approximately 300 words, single spaced, A4 page size, 12 point font size and in word format.
Indicate names of all the authors and underline the name of the author presenting the paper.
 Include name of institution, city, country and complete address and contacts of the author(s).

Abstracts should be submitted via email. Abstracts to be sent to Osvaldina Brito and copied to the following 2 emails:
Abstracts should be sent by latest:    30 June 2012
Deadline for submitting full papers:    31 July 2012