DIrectorate of Library Services

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Grants for Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries Program

Call for Round I Applications: The New Scholars online grant application proposal system will accept Round 1 applications from May 1st — June 24th.

Grants for Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries Program
Call for Round I Applications: The New Scholars online grant application proposal system will accept Round 1 applications from May 1st — June 24th.

Proposals are welcome for single-year grants in amounts between US$5,000 to US$50,000. Proposals will be accepted for multi-year programs (up to three years) for a total of $100,000.
Please note that in 2012 a new two step application process has been implemented to streamline the submission and review process. First round applications will be accepted through June 24th through the Foundation's online application system. In early July shortlisted candidates will be announced and invited to submit a full proposal in the second round. Grant recipients will be announced in December 2012. Round 1 Applications: May 1st — June 24th

Click here for more details

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

FREE access to Emerald’s Health & Social Care Collection

The Emerald Health and Social Care eJournal Collection delivers online access to more than 5,000 articles from 22 journals in the areas of: 

Learning/intellectual disabilities 
Mental health 
Criminology, forensic psychology and offending behaviour 
Vulnerable groups including: older adults, children’s services, housing, ethnicity and migration.

 Providing a practical, multidisciplinary approach to research and practice, the collection is an essential resource for those working in the health and social care field. 

Trial the collection now! Simply visit 

 Free access is to all 22 journals in the Health & Social Care collection.

SABINET Open Access Journal Collection

The collection currently comprises 46 South African journals, which may be searched individually, and provides immediate access to the PDF versions of 6 000+ full-text articles. Of the journals in the collection, 15 appear on the Approved South African Journals list, the ISI list, or the IBSS list. New journal titles and issues are added to the collection on an ongoing basis. Click here for more details

Some of the journals include:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Call for papers: IFLA - Africa Section Satellite Meeting, WLIC, Helsinki, Finland, 2012

The Congress offers an opportunity to present library research outcomes and innovations in a multi-disciplinary international forum. In line with the theme of the 78th IFLA WLIC, Africa Section chose the theme: 'Libraries, the amazing gateway to knowledge and power!'

 IFLA Africa Section invites Librarians, Information Scientists and other stakeholders to submit proposals (abstracts) for papers at the Africa Section Satellite in Helsinki, Finland scheduled to take place on 9th - 10th August, 2012.   Theme:  "Libraries, the amazing gateway to knowledge and power!"

* Libraries: gateways or gatekeepers?
* Web 3.0 in libraries now: amazing, exciting!
* Information literacy: enhancing access to knowledge and power in virtual environment
* Open access and knowledge libraries
* Partnerships and collaboration: inspiring and exciting opportunities for libraries as gateway to knowledge and power

Please send proposals by 17 June, 2012 by email to:   Rosemary Gitachu Secretary, IFLA Africa Section, e-mail: 
Important Deadlines:
 June 17, 2012: Deadline for submission of abstract
 June 30, 2012: Notification of acceptance/rejection of paper
 July 15, 2012: Deadline for submission of full paper 
 For information on the IFLA Africa Section :

Call for papers: Enabling academic excellence in African universities

The ACU and INASP are seeking contributions to a special supplement for African vice chancellors, rectors and deputy vice chancellors, to be distributed to the 110 universities in ACU membership.  The aim of this supplement will be to profile what African libraries are already doing to advance the research and teaching missions of their universities, and to demonstrate how they can support this into the future.  We are therefore seeking articles from African librarians and information professionals (including IT professionals) which address any of the key themes set out below.  Articles should profile examples of specific services or initiatives which your library is delivering or developing. They should not simply describe the service or initiative, but should explicitly explain how and why this is helping to address the needs of the university. They may take either an institutional view, or present a national or regional library and information initiative. Interested writers should submit a brief abstract of around 300 words which sets out clearly (bullet points are acceptable) the key arguments which they would wish to make in their piece. 
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is Friday15th June 2012. Dates for final submission of articles will be agreed with selected writers in due course. Any queries should be addressed to the ACU and INASP: Jonathan Harle ( or Peter Burnett ( :  :

Call for papers: Conference Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) 14th Annual Conference: 2nd Call for papers

Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) 14th Annual Conference: 2nd Call for papersLIASA invites submissions of papers and proposals for posters that will contribute to an exciting and creative event. As always, the conference welcomes contributions from all sectors and disciplines that intersect to grow library and information provision.
The deadline for receipt of abstracts for paper presentation and poster proposals is 20 June 2012.
To submit your abstract online go to: "Submit Abstract :
You should also upload your brief CV.
For general queries contact: :

Advanced Multilingual Online Searches (Search Magic) for MUHAS Students (6th June 2012)

To be conducted at the Directorate of Library Services (MUHAS)
Target group: undergraduate/ postgraduate students
Date: Wednesday, 6th June, 2012
Time: 2-4 PM
Venue: library ICT training room
Content: construction of a search query, Boolean logic, Googlelogy, and use of HINARI&Pubmed database
Note: interested participants are requested to submit their details at the special reserve section, MUHAS library