IOP publishing database is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal publishing articles on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
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Friday, August 31, 2012
IOP publishing database is now available at MUHAS
Commonwealth Scholarships and Awards
Applications may be in any of the following categories: Scholarships for Master, Doctoral (PhD) degrees of up to 3 years, One year research on a split-site basis, One year taught masters courses, Distance Learning Scholarships, Academic Fellowships, Professional Fellowships.
Click here for more details
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Research fellowships & grants
CODESRIA Higher Education Leadership Programme: Advanced Research Fellowships, 2012
Deadline: 15th September, 2012
TDR Clinical Research & Development Fellowships
TDR's Empowerment grant and training activities aim to develop strong leadership in health research and decision making, so that high quality institutional and national systems can identify and manage research priorities.
All applications must be received by 24th September 2012 at the latest.
A scholarship for African scientist
The application deadline is Saturday 29 September 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Dowload Valuable E-books for free
Download e-books for free at bookboon in the following major fields: management and business studies, science, biology and biochemistry, engineering, environment, law, ICT etc
Conferences: Call for papers
Registration deadline fast approaching
Registration deadline: August 31st, 2012
When: October 31 - November 3rd, 2012 - Beijing, China
Maternal Health Conference 2013 (GMHC2013) is a technical conference
for scientists, researchers, and policy-makers to network, share
knowledge, and build on progress toward eradicating preventable maternal
mortality and morbidity by improving the quality of maternal health
care. The conference is co-sponsored by Management and Development for
Health, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and the Maternal Health Task Force at
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA.
Abstract should be submitted online by 31st September 2012
When: January 15-17, 2013 - Tanzania
Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
of Finland The Conference will assess achievements and aims for health
promotion globally from Ottawa to Nairobi. It aims to address what works
and how, identifying options for action, available processes,
mechanisms and tools
When: June 10-14, 2013 - Finland
BioMed Central - The
conference will bring together researchers, librarians, university
administrators, funders and other decision-makers to discuss open access
publishing in an African context.
When: November 4th -5th, 2012 - Cape Town, South Africa
Hopkins University Center for Clinical Global Health Education, along
with the World Health Organization (WHO) Alliance for Health Policy and
Research, the WHO Global Health Workforce Alliance, the US President's
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), The US Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), the mHealth Alliance, US Agency for
International Development (USAID), and the Fogarty International Center,
US National Institutes of Health (NIH).
When: October 2-3, 2012 - New York City, USA
The International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) and Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth)
When: 25th to 29th August 2013 - Pattaya, Thailand Deadline for abstracts submission: December 20th, 2012
Research fellowships and funding opportunities
Postdoctoral Research fellowships for CHESAI - (IDRC funded project) UCT and UWC
Deadline: October 15th, 2012
International Development Research Centre
Deadline: August 26, 2012
Initiative for Impact Evaluation in partnership with the Canadian
Development Agency (CIDA), the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
Deadline: August 31, 2012
Call for letters of interest - Population health vulnerabilities to
vector-borne diseases: Increasing resilience under climate change
conditions in Africa
TDR - Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases
Deadline: September 10, 2012
International Development Research Centre
Deadline: September 12, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Content offered by HINARI at MUHAS
OARE partners agreed last year to provide a mid-year notice to
registered institutions indicating which publishers’ content would be
available in their country, area or territory in the upcoming calendar
year. We are happy to provide you that information at the following URL:
Please be aware that
while the vast majority of our partner publishers have confirmed their
offer for this year; there are a few that have not yet confirmed that
they will make no changes in the coming year. We kindly invite you to
check back at this URL if you need verification of the publisher offer
later this year. The link will provide the latest information we have
received from the publishers.
Other latest news:
- In mid-July, HINARI, AGORA and OARE launched their new portals. Six languages are now available, including Arabic and Russian. These new interfaces simplify access to journals, books, subjects, languages, publishers, PubMed or CAB Abstracts plus the various databases, article searching options and reference sources.
- The complete list of Books is also available.
- One significant feature has been added to our portals. Now you can export the complete list of journals from the option ‘View complete list of journals’, selecting ‘All Items’ tab. This is particularly useful for those institutions using Discovery Tools or adding journal links in their library catalogues.
- Distance Learning Courses in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese are available through ITOCA and Medical Library Association Moodle servers. The courses are a series of PDF files and a Word exercises document. After the evaluation, a certificate is extended.
- For those involved in Research4Life training, there is a new training module titled ‘Research4Life Programmes Comparison’. It is an overview of HINARI, AGORA and OARE. The three websites have similar key access points with the significant differences being the databases that are searched to identify articles.
MUHAS LIbrary toolbar
The MUHAS Library has just launched
a downloadable library toolbar to allow single click access a wide
range of library collection right from your browser.
The library Toolbar lets you keep us
right at the top of your browser, no matter what web page you're visiting. Click here to download the library toolbar
Here's what you get:
- Online Library Catalogue - Bibliographic records of our books, journals and CDROMs delivered directly to your browser.
- Digital library services - Acess to digital institutional repository, latest e-resources, theses, educational resources, CDROMs, and online tutorials on information search techniques
- Powerful Search - Search the Web and get a wide choice of useful search engines.
- Subscribed e-journals - E-journals such as HINARI, Annual reviews, CABI Direct, Cochrane, Emerald.
- Notifications to Your Desktop - Receive our most important library news and announcements instantly.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Funding opportunitities, and Scholarships for PhDs and Masters
The Special Round *Toward an HIV Cure* of the research grant programme *Creative and Novel Ideas in HIV Research (CNIHR)* invites early-stage scientists without prior experience in HIV cure research to submit innovative proposals to accelerate the search for an HIV cure. *Proposals for research projects with the potential to contribute to the search for an HIV cure can be submitted by 17 October 2012. Ten to twelve research grants worth up to US$ 150,000 per year, for direct research costs plus applicable indirect costs, for one to two years will be awarded* *Early-stage investigators, who have completed their terminal research degree (e.g., PhD, DVM, MMed + research training) within the past 10 years and who have a faculty position at an academic institution or a comparable position at a research institution, are eligible to apply. Applicants must have not yet been engaged in research toward an HIV cure (as defined by any previous grant, contract, sub-award or publication in HIV cure research).
* Research topics could include any aspect of science relating to research towards an HIV cure. Projects may not include prospective human interventional trials (e.g. clinical trials of new drugs, treatments, or devices; or off-label
use of a licensed drug). Studies of animal models, stored samples from existing cohorts, small pathogenesis studies or in vitro trials are acceptable.
use of a licensed drug). Studies of animal models, stored samples from existing cohorts, small pathogenesis studies or in vitro trials are acceptable.
Gates Vaccine Innovation Award is open to individuals from any discipline who
work on the delivery of vaccines. Candidates from academic institutions,
governments, health care facilities, research institutions, non-profit
organizations and for-profit companies may be nominated.
is pleased to announce a call for concept papers for Multi-Country Partnership
grants. The grants form part of the Health Partnership Scheme (HPS) which is a
four-year programme that funds health partnerships to carry out training and
capacity-building projects in low-income countries. The scheme is funded by the
UK Department for International Development. The Health Partnership Scheme aims
to strengthen Human Resources for Health to deliver demonstrable results in
health outcomes for poor people in poor and DFID and Devolved Administration
priority countries.
United Nations (UN) Trust Fund is accepting applications for its Small Grants
Programme under the Second Decade Call for Proposals for the year 2013. The
Fund will mainly be used for small grants projects with a budget for up to US
$10,000 covering one year’s expenses. Applications for grants under the Small
Grants Programme under the Second Decade will be accepted between 1 August 2012
and 1 October 2012. The Fund will give priority to projects that focus on the
areas of health (physical and mental well-being) and education (such as
language revitalization).
Red Umbrella Fund is the first-ever and new global grantmaking fund by and for
sex workers. The Red Umbrella Fund is offering funding for sex-worker-led
organisations and networks. The first-year grantmaking budget of the RUF is
$700,000. The Red Umbrella Fund will provide start-up funding, multi-year and
core funding, support for peer-led capacity-building and exchanges, and
emergency grants to sex worker led organisations. Grant amounts will be between $5,000 and
Infectious Disease Research Collaboration (IDRC) is pleased to announce that
funding for research projects and support of skills training and career
development. Research projects should be limited to 1-2 years duration.
Bangladesh, Burma, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique,
Nepal, Nigeria, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra
Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe).
of between £250,000 and £2 million will be available for the most innovative, effective
and well evaluated pilot projects that support marginalised girls to succeed in
their education. Any successful application will need to demonstrate new ideas
and cost effective approaches to reaching girls in the most difficult
PEER Health program provides grants to support scientists in 33 eligible countries implementation
science projects in support of country-specific health priorities. The 2012
program cycle focuses on Child Survival. PEER Health is a competitive grants
program that supports scientists from USAID-focus countries who are
collaborating with NIH supported researchers on implementation science projects
reflecting the health priorities of focus country researchers and governments.
applicants should note that the donor has revised both the
as well as extended the deadline*
are invited for Global Youth Forum at Bali, Indonesia which will be held on
4th-6th of December. The ICPD Beyond 2014 Global Youth Forum aims to address
these questions and represents the peak of efforts by UN agencies, young people
and civil society to translate the participatory aspirations of the 1994
International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) into a
sustainable youth advocacy network.
participants must have a valid passport with a minimum of 1 year until expiry.
While applicants under the age of 30 will be considered, we particularly
encourage young people between the ages of 18 and 24 to apply
International Scholarships are now open to students from any country. Pursue a
fully-funded Master's or PhD Degree in any field of study at Flinders
University in Australia. Deadline is 31 August 2012. In addition, Flinders
University provides the recipient with a generous living allowance paid at the
rate of $23,728 per annum (2012 rate). It is tax exempt and indexed annually.
from developed and developing countries can apply for Masters, PHDs
Fellowship scholarships available
HIV Research Trust Scholarships for 2013
Applications for HIV Research Trust Scholarships for 2013 will be open from 5 September 2012 and will close 17 October 2012.
These Scholarships are awarded competitively to researchers in countries where resources are scarce. The scheme has been very successful and this year we again anticipate up to 20 such awards.
Details of the scholarships, including the criteria for the awards, are available on the HIV Research Trust website. Researchers who might benefit from the Scholarship, and who fulfil the criteria for the award, should apply online before 17th October 2012.
These Scholarships are awarded competitively to researchers in countries where resources are scarce. The scheme has been very successful and this year we again anticipate up to 20 such awards.
Details of the scholarships, including the criteria for the awards, are available on the HIV Research Trust website. Researchers who might benefit from the Scholarship, and who fulfil the criteria for the award, should apply online before 17th October 2012.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Reminder: Workshop on Library Cataloguing, Classification and Records Management (24th -29th September 2012) - Open for Registration
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) through its
MUHAS Library will organize a five days workshop on Library Cataloging,
Classification and Records Management
WORKSHOP DATES AND VENUE: From Monday 24th to Saturday 29th September 2012 ( 5 days) at Muhimbili University Library
WORKSHOP FEES: Tsh 350,000/= per participant to cover stationery, meals ( tea and lunch ), lecture notes and certificate.
equip the participants with the relevant skills and knowledge in
library cataloguing and classification and records management
FACILITATOR:The course will be facilitated by experienced librarian from Muhimbili University Library, UDSM Library and Tanzania Library Service
Specifically the course will cover:
Part 1: Cataloguing and classification
· Descriptive cataloguing of library materials using AACR2 rules
· Subjects analysis and formulation of subject headings.
· Application of Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal Classification schemes.
· CIP Cataloguing and LC online cataloguing
Part 2: Records Management.
· Definition of records management and its importance
· Preservation and conservation of paper records
· Classification schemes
· Tracking of records inside and outside the registry
· Organisation and storage of records
· Developing records policies
· Safety and security of records
Library Officers, Library Assistants and practitioners with particular
responsibility for records management including : Human Resources
personnel, Records personnel, Registry officers, Information officers,
Health records personnel, Financial records personnel, Archivists,
Documentalists, Administrators, Secretaries, Procurement Records
Assistants and all those involved in information Managements in NGO'S
private and public sectors.
is due before start of workshop. Payment can be made by depositing
money in our account by cash. Name of account is Muhimbili University of
Health and Allied Sciences and Account Number is 2091100002 NMB Bank
Muhimbili branch.
Confirm your participation and payment by 18th September, 2012.
The participants will have to make transport and accommodation arrangements at their own cost.
For further information about the workshop please contact the following:
For further information about the workshop please contact the following:
Mr Christom Aron Mwambungu
Mob: 0713 312413/0754 721036
Email: or
Mr Silas Maganga
Mob: 0715 597979
Mr William . Mviombo
Mob: 0713 236649
For further information about the workshop please contact the following:
Mr Christom Aron Mwambungu
Mob: 0713 312413/0754 721036
Email: or
Mr Silas Maganga
Mob: 0715 597979
Mr William . Mviombo
Mob: 0713 236649
Find free scientific articles in PDF Format
As you know, we all are facing difficult at any level to get the full
text scientific article of our interest. For this reason, a new search
engine has been developed in order to find free full text scientific
articles in PDF Format. This search engine indexes more than 80 million
of free references (mostly to journal articles, theses, patents and
Click here to access teh search engine
We hope that this tool will help you in your research domain.
Click here to access teh search engine
We hope that this tool will help you in your research domain.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Institute of Traditional Medicine News Bulletin
After about 26 years since the last issue of the ITM News Buletin was
published, volume 3 is now published and available online. To get it;
visit the Muhimbili University website at MUHAS website you will be able to download it
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Forthcoming conference: The European Conference on Information Literacy (or ECIL) - Instanbul, Turkey 23-25 October 2013
Organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe
University and Department of Information and Communication Sciences of
Zagreb University, European Conference on Information Literacy (or ECIL)
will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, from 22-25 October 2013.
ECIL is an international conference supported by Turkish National
Commission for UNESCO, Information Literacy Section of IFLA and many
other prestigious universities, associations, and organizations actively
involved in media and information literacy.
- Here is the link for information on the call for papers
- There is also a list of important dates from their main website
Digital library of the Tanzanian health community
This is a digital repository of published and unpublished material
contributed by government, researchers, academics, students and others
interested in health in Tazania. It is coordinated by Ifakara Health
Institute. e-Health runs on EPrints and is hosted by the University of
Click here to access the repository
Recent Additions to the repository
Click here to access the repository
Recent Additions to the repository
1. | Pearson, T., Busch, J. D., Ravel, J., et al (2004) Phylogenetic discovery bias in Bacillus anthracis using single-nucleotide polymorphisms from whole-genome sequencing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101 (37). pp. 13536-13541. ISSN 0027-8424 Item availability may be restricted. | |
2. | Phillips-Howard, P. A., Nahlen, B. L., Alaii, J. A., et al (2003) The efficacy of permethrin-treated bed nets on child mortality and morbidity in western Kenya I. Development of infrastructure and description of study site. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 68 (4 Supp). pp. 3-9. ISSN 0002-9637 Item availability may be restricted. | |
3. | Tami, A., Mubyazi, G., Talbert, A., et al (2004) Evaluation of Olyset insecticide-treated nets distributed seven years previously in Tanzania. Malaria journal, 3 (19). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1475-2875 (In Press) |
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