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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fund for Gender Equality Grant Application 2011-2012

Today, UN Women is pleased to announce Phase 2 of the Fund for Gender Equality’s Second Call for Proposals, reiterating the Fund’s founding vision to help women achieve political and economic empowerment, two key priority areas outlined in UN Women’s recently approved Strategic Plan (2012-2013).

March 1th, 2012: Call for Proposals announced for eligible countires in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, and Central Asia and Europe (applications accepted in English, French and Spanish). Online application process opens March 12th, 2012. Grants will be announced in October 2012. Please visit for additional information..

Seminar on Access to E-Resources for National Development – Free Entrance

African Library Solution and Development (ALISOD) will conduct one day Seminar aiming at Training community on access to Electronic Resources for management of their organizations for national development. This is the continuation of series of ALISOD effort in providing information literacy skills to Tanzanian community.

Target groups for this Training are Academicians, NGO's, CBO's, Researchers and any other development practitioners. This Training which will be Free of charge for participants, will be held at The Institute of Social Work - Kijitonyama Dar es Salaam on 17th March, 2012 from 10:00am - 4:00pm.

These series of Training to Tanzanian communities are due to unawareness of available electronic resources which are essential for their daily activities and Community unawareness of relevancy of information on their daily use causing tiny use of information.

This training aims at bridging community access to modern information environments with reference to E-Resources for national developments. Other objectives are:-

To create awareness of necessity of information in human daily life
To train identification of various information sources
To train how to access e-resources for reference and management of daily activities.
To train methods of creating global networks using e-resources
To create LISTSERV for possible information dissemination and current awareness development.

Hence, ALISOD invite all interested people to participate this free opportunity for national development through effective utilization of electronic resources which are essential in current information trend.

Any interested person should confirm by sending his/her names at this email address ( It should be noted that only 100 participants are required for this training. For more information about this seminar please visit the following site:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New added links to open access journals - Hindawi

Hindawi publishes more than 300 Open Access journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, dentistry, medicine, phamarcy, nursing etc. All articles published in Hindawi journals are open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.