DIrectorate of Library Services

Welcome to the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) Library Blog. MUHAS Library is a leading library in the health and allied sciences in the country.

Search fulltext e-journals & e-books available at MUHAS

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Publication from Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA) in Tanzania

Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA) is one of the leading independent research institutions in Tanzania specialising in policy research on socio-economic and development issues. REPOA's research is currently conducted in Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar, with some research projects covering every district.

Here are the new publications from REPOA

Affordability and Expenditure Patterns for Electricity and Kerosene in Urban Households in Tanzania
Raymond Mnenwa and Emmanuel Maliti, 2011

Creating Space for Child Participation in Local Governance in Tanzania: Save the Children and Children’s Councils
Meda Counzens and Koshuma Mtengeti, 2011

Tracer Study on Two REPOA Training Courses: Budget Analysis and Public Expenditure Tracking System
Ophelia Mascarenhas, 2011

Latest reports from Tanzania Online

Here are the latest electronic Tanzanians reports added to Tanzania Online, the gateway to information on development issues in Tanzania. All documents are available free on the Internet at

The latest synthesized reports from Tanzania Online include the following:

Tanzania Macroeconomic Forecast - October 2011
[Full text]

Country Strategy Paper 2011-2015. United Republic of Tanzania
United Republic of Tanzania, 2011
[Full text]

Transforming Tanzania’s Cotton Sector
Ian Anderson, Gatsby / UKaid , 2011
[ Full text ]

Doing Business in Tanzania: 2011 Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies
U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service and U.S. Department of State, 2011
[Full text]

Inception Report for Growth and Employment Platform First phase (August 2011- July 2013)
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania SUA, 2011
[ Full text ]

Is water and electricity serving the deserving?
Twaweza , 2011
[ Full text ]

Linking Smallholders to Livestock Markets Combining Market and Household Survey Data in Tanzania
FAO, AU-IBAR, ILRI with support from the Gates Foundation
and, in Tanzania, in collaboration with the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development , 2011
[ Full text ]

REDD+ benefit sharing in Tanzania: a Case Study by Leo Peskett
REDDnet and Worldbank , 2010
[ Full text ]

Mission report Platform for Growth and Employment Tanzania November 28th - December 3rd 2010
UDSM and SUA in Tanzania, 2010
[Full text]

When is a school not a school?
Uwezo and Twaweza , 2011
[ Full text ]

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Palgrave Macmillan, a global publisher has joined HINARI

Palgrave Macmillan, a global publisher with over 160 years of independent academic publishing, has joined HINARI offering 81 journals, including the Journal of Public Health Policy.

In the URL below you will find the publishers offering their publications to your country and institution category for the current year (2011) through HINARI:

Latest health e-resources added to the library website

AHILA-13 Congress in Cape Verde 2012

The 13th congress of the Association of Health Information and Libraries in Africa ( AHILA-13 ) will be held in Cape Verde, October 15-19, 2012.

The theme will be : Enhancing access to health information in Africa: research, collaboration and innovation.

Sub themes :

- Global partnerships and access to health information in Africa. -Empowering end user access and use of health information.
-The role of ICT in enhancing access to health information in Africa.
-Promoting research among healthcare providers through access to health information. -Strengthening library and information networks at country level.

Further details on the conference will be posted on the AHILA website ( ) in due course.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Access Online Reference Services at MUHAS Library

The MUHAS library has just installed an online reference service on its website to enhance personalized research assistance to library users in accessing suitable information resources to meet their need.

By having this online reference service, both staff and students at MUHAS can request assistance/ or ask questions regarding access to information materials at the library. The users only need to go to the following library website and they can directly ask questions to the librarian regarding any difficulty they face in accessing infromation resources at the library. Click here for more details

Monday, December 12, 2011

Forthcoming workshop: Online Reference Management and Advanced Multilingual Searches for MUHAS Academic Staff [12-13 Jan 2012]

The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) through its MUHAS-Library will organize a Two Days workshop on Online Reference Management and Advanced Multilingual Online Searches.

This two-day workshop will introduce you to online reference management and advanced searches methods and tools and equip you with skills in using reference management and search tools to enhance and improve teaching and research work within the context of their work and organization. Click here for more details...

The Knowledge Sharing Methods and Web 2.0 Tools Workshop at MUHAS (Nov 29 - 2 Dec, 2011)

Workshop particiipants from health and agricultural Universities and Research Institutes in Tanzania

- The Knowledge Sharing Methods and Web 2.0 Tools Workshop at MUHAS (Nov 29 - 2 Dec, 2011)

Access a new range of fully open access journals through SpringerOpen

Access a new range of fully open access journals through SpringerOpen. It covers all disciplines within the science, technology, and medicine (STM) fields. The entire content published in a SpringerOpen journal is freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. Many SpringerOpen journals are citation-tracked and some already have Impact Factors. SpringerOpen is committed to maintaining high standards through full and stringent peer review.
Click here to access the SpringerOpen journal content

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New annotated links to online journals at the library website

New annotated links to online journals in health and allied sciences have been added to the library website, including Public Library of Science (PLOS); Journal of Postgraduate Medicine; Journal of Medical Internet Research; International Journal of Molecular Sciences — Open Access Journal; Indian biomedical literature; Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research - Free medical journals;   Electronic Journals Library;   ERA - Electronic Research Archive;; Bioline International and many others.

Access them via the following links: Latest e-resources - MUHAS Library
or General Frree Online Journals - MUHAS library 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Physics Today Journal has been added to our collection at MUHAS library

The mission of Physics Today Journal is to provide a unifying voice for the diverse areas of physics and the physics-related sciences.

It does this by providing authoritative, engaging coverage of physical science research and its applications without regard to disciplinary boundaries.
Click here to access the journal in full text

Friday, December 2, 2011

Workshop Participants Highlight Challenges of Using Social Media : Knowledge Sharing Methods and Web 2.0 Workshop at MUHAS (29 Nov - 2 Dec, 2011)

Adoption and use of social media in Africa for work related activities in organizations such as universities, research institutions and libraries is progressing at a very slow pace du eto several factors. These challenges have been re-affirmed by participants on a knowledge sharing Chat Show session during the Knowledge Sharing and Web 2.0 training workshop at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 29 November - 2 December, 2011. Click here for more details.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Free journal articles from Lancet Collection

The Lancet editors have selected 2 articles from each of their 15 specialty collections which can be downloaded for free until the 15th of December. The specialty collections include Cardiology, Oncology, Endocrinology and Public Health. Read more...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Health Information Corner at MUHAS Library

Through the Delphe project, MUHAS has established a Health Information Corners at MUHAS Library. The aim of this Health Information Corners is to offer helpful advice and resources for health and medical conditions in Tanzania. Kindly visit it to access more health information at the MUHAS library.

Click here to access the Health Information Corner website

Click here to access more pictures of Health Informatin Corner

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Muhas Library Wiki

Welcome to the MUHAS Library Wiki. The Wiki provides access to online tutorials in form of power point presentations in the following modules: Multilingual Online Searches, Online Citation and Reference Management, and Use of Web 2.0 Technologies for research, teaching and learning purposes, such as wiki, social bookmarks, google doc etc. The wiki also provides access to annotated links on online tutorials on various topics in form of video, power point presentations etc.

Forthcoming workshop: Knowledge Sharing Methods and Web 2.0 Tools Workshop at MUHAS (Nov 29 - 2 Dec, 2011)

This four-day workshop will introduce you to knowledge sharing methods and tools and equip you with skills in using web 2.0 tools to enhance and improve collaborative work and knowledge sharing within your organization and with stakeholders, facilitate marketing of your products and services, and increase the level of innovation within your organisation. Click here for more details

Research tools at MUHAS Library Website

Annonatated links of research tools have been added at the MUHAS Library website. KIndly visit the page

Monday, October 31, 2011

List of CDROMs available at MUHAS Library

These CDROMs are accessible thorugh the MUHAS Online Public Access Catalogue. Search your query by using the Audio visual materials at the library catalogue. Click here to access the list.

Taylor & Francis scholarly database widens Open Access offerings

Taylor & Francis have extended their iOpenAccess option to cover over 530 journals in the physical sciences, environmental and agricultural sciences, behavioural sciences (including Psychology Press), development studies and medical, clinical and bioscience journals from Informa Healthcare. View the iOpenAccess titles

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A list of full-text journals available at MUHAS through the AGORA program

A list of journals available to MUHAS students and staff through the AGORA program is now put at the MUHAS library website.

Request username and password from the librarian to access these journals in full text.

Agora is an outstanding digital journal collection in the fields of food, agriculture, forestry, biotechnology/ applied microbiology, chemistry/biochemistry/ biophysics, entomology/ pest control, development studies, public health, information technology & information sciences.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Third IAALD Africa Chapter Conference, 21-23 May 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa

The conference activities will comprise of an exhibition showcasing e-agriculture initiatives and activities; pre-conference workshops, seminars and training; and the main conference which will include presentations and panel discussions.

30 Nov 2011 - Deadline for abstracts
25 Nov 2011 - Deadline Earlybird registration.
28 Feb 2012 - Submission of full papers


Download Free Plagiarism Software

This site contains free plagiarism software which can be used lecturers and students worldwide to detect instances of plagiarism in academic work, such as essays, dissertations and pieces of course work.

NEW- Online Reference Management and Multilingual Online Searches Workshop for MUHAS Academic Staff (3 - 4 November 2011)

The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) through its MUHAS-Library will organize a Two Days workshop on Online Reference Management and Advanced Multilingual Online Searches.
The workshop will be conducted at the MUHAS - Undergraduate Computer Lab.
Date: Thursday, 3 - 4 November, 2011 Time: 10 am to 3.30 pm.
The library is inviting Academic Staff from MUHAS to attend the workshop by submitting their details by close of Friday 28th October, 2011 business.
Click here for more details regarding the workshop

Monday, October 10, 2011

(NEW) Dental Library at MUHAS: List of Books

Kindly, visit the following library website to access a list of books at the Dental library of MUHAS.
These books can be found at the Dental Library, or visit the library catalogue

Thursday, October 6, 2011

IST-Africa 2012 Conference & Exhibition: 9 - 11 May 2012, Tanzania

Hosted by the Government of Tanzania through the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), Supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission and Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE, IST-Africa 2012 will take place from 09 - 11 May 2012.

Part of the IST-Africa Initiative, which is supported by the European Commission under the ICT Theme of Framework Programme 7 (FP7), IST-Africa 2011 is the seventh in an Annual Conference Series which brings together senior representatives from leading commercial, government & research organisations across Africa and from Europe, to bridge the Digital Divide by sharing knowledge, experience, lessons learnt and good practice and discussing policy related issues.
For more information, visit the conference website

eLearning Africa 2012: The Call for Papers is open!

eLearning Africa 2012 will take place from 23rd to 25th May in Cotonou, Benin. eLearning Africa is the continent’s largest gathering of high-level policy makers, decision makers and practitioners from education, business and government. It is the key networking event for developing eLearning capacities in Africa.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

UN New Information Resource

UN in General

Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization (A/66/1)

The Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization to the 66th session of the General Assembly is now available. In introducing the report the Secretary-General notes that: “We are living in a time of global transition. Future generations are likely
to describe this period as a pivotal juncture in world history when the status quo was irrevocably weakened and the contours of a new world began to emerge.” The annex of report includes “Millennium Development Goals, targets and indicators, 2011: statistical tables”.

2011 High Level Meeting on Prevention and Control of Non-communicable
Diseases, General Assembly, United Nations, New York, 19-20 September

The four main non-communicable diseases - cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung diseases and diabetes - kill three in five people worldwide, and cause great socioeconomic harm within all countries, particularly developing nations. The decision by the United Nations General Assembly to convene a High-Level Meeting on NCDs on 19-20
September 2011 presents a unique opportunity for the international community to take action against the epidemic, save millions of lives and enhance development initiatives.

News Focus: Horn of Africa crisis

Peace and Security

Security Council Concept Note: Peacekeeping – taking stock and
preparing for the future

The Security Council President for the month of August, India, has prepared a concept note for an open debate on United Nations peacekeeping operations on 26 August 2011.

Security Council Presidential Statement on Syria (3 August 2011) -
Historical background

United Nations Peacekeeping Operations – Fact Sheet: 30 June 2011
(DPI/1634/Rev.122, July 2011)

Economic & Social Development

Food and Ecological Security: Identifying synergy and trade-offs (UNEP
Policy Series, Issue No. 4, June 2011)

The Policy brief discusses the impacts of accelerated food production on ecosystems and ecosystem services, the trends in ecosystem services especially from cultivated ecosystems, how the twin objectives of food and ecological security can be aligned, and the related policy implications.

Global Afghan Opium Trade: A Threat Assessment (UNODC)

Afghanistan remains by far the largest source of the global illicit trade in opium and heroin, which generated some US$ 68 billion in 2009. 16.5 million people annually abuse opiates worldwide. Heroin takes the bulk of the market with 12 - 13 million people consuming 375 tons of heroin per year.

Global Development Horizons 2011 — Multipolarity: The New Global Economy
(World Bank)

The first edition of a new World Bank flagship report, Global Development Horizons 2011, focuses on three major international economic trends: the shift in the balance of global growth from developed to emerging economies, the rise of emerging-market firms as a force in global business, and the evolution of the international monetary system toward a multicurrency regime.

Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice: Report 2011-2012

The report highlights the practical barriers that women – particularly the poorest and most excluded-face in negotiating justice systems and the innovative approaches that governments and civil society are pioneering to overcome them. It explores the ways in which women are reconciling guarantees of their rights with the realities of living within plural legal systems. And it highlights the severe challenges that women face in accessing justice in the aftermath of conflict, as well as the enormous opportunities for change that can emerge in these most difficult times.

Promoting Gender Equality: an equity-focused approach to programming (UNICEF)

UNICEF has launched a series of operational guidance documents designed to help its staff and partners promote gender equality through UNICEF-supported programming globally. The two-page briefs are available on the following topics: Young child survival and development, Basic education and gender equality, HIV/AIDS and children, Child protection, Policy advocacy and partnerships for children's rights, Humanitarian action

Securing the Future Today: Synthesis of Strategic Information on HIV
and Young People (UNFPA)

In 2009 young people accounted for 41% of all new HIV infections among adults with 3 000 young people becoming newly infected with HIV each day. The report highlights that young people are a key resource to reverse the global AIDS epidemic and lead the response in decades to come. But it stresses that the legal and policy barriers that prevent
young people from accessing HIV services must be addressed, and young people should be engaged more effectively in the response.

Story-based Inquiry: a manual for investigative journalists (UNESCO)

This manual provides a guide to basic methods and techniques of investigative journalism, and it consciously fills a gap in the literature of the profession. The publication focuses on the hypothesis-based inquiry approach, which takes the basic assumption that a story is only a hypothesis until verified. The methods and skills applying to every step of the investigative process, from conception to research, writing, quality control and dissemination, have been thoroughly analyzed and are well illustrated by case studies
in each chapter.

UNDP in Action – Annual Report 2010/2011: People centred Development;
Empowered lives, resilient nations.

Human Rights

2010 Report on Human Rights in Iraq

A UN report into the human rights situation in Iraq over the course of 2010 has warned that armed violence and “silent” human rights violations continue to affect large sectors of the population. The report, released on 8 August 2011 by the UN Assistance Mission for
Iraq (UNAMI) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), studies a range of human rights issues, including the impact of armed conflict and violence on civilians, detention and the rule of law, and protection of the rights of specific groups. The report also covers the state of political rights in the country, including freedom of assembly and expression. It noted that while there was improvement in some areas, many challenges remain.

Commentary to the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of
Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect
Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

This commentary is a 100-page downloadable document which maps out the rights provided for in the UN Declaration on human rights defenders, based mostly on
information received and reports produced by the two Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights defenders, Hina Jilani (2000-2008) and Margaret Sekaggya (since 2008), during the past eleven years.

Forgotten Europeans - Forgotten Rights: the human rights of persons
placed in institutions (OHCHR)

This report highlights one of the most significant human rights challenges in Europe today, namely that many children, persons with disabilities and older persons continue to be placed in long-stay residential institutional care, often for life. It's intended to inform and encourage debate on the issues and how the areas of concern should be addressed.

Humanitarian Affairs

Humanitarian Action for Children: Building Resilience - Mid-Year
Review, 2011 (UNICEF)

Widespread and varied humanitarian crises have affected millions of women and children. With over half a million severely malnourished children at risk of imminent death, the food security crisis in the Horn of Africa has raised alarms across the world.

Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers (WHO / War Trauma
Foundation / World Vision International)

The United Nations health agency and its partners have launched a guide to help fieldworkers provide vital psychological support to people affected by humanitarian emergencies. Produced jointly by WHO, the War Trauma Foundation and World Vision International, the guide reflects the emerging science and international consensus on how to provide basic support to people in the immediate aftermath of extremely stressful events. The guide gives simple, practical guidance for supporting people in ways that respect their dignity, culture and abilities.

Web Portal for Horn of Africa Emergency (UNHCR)

UNHCR launched on 19 August a new website providing detailed and regularly updated information from the agency and its operational partners on the refugee and displacement emergency in the drought-stricken Horn of Africa. The new site provides a comprehensive information-sharing portal for all of the refugee agency's operational
partners involved in bringing relief to millions of people affected by insecurity, drought and famine throughout the Horn of Africa region.

Trade, Finance and Commerce

World Investment Report 2011: Non-equity modes of international
production and development.

World Investment Report 2011: Non-equity modes of international
production and development; Overview.

UN in General

Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization (A/66/1)

The Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization to the 66th session of the General Assembly is now available. In introducing the report the Secretary-General notes that: “We are living in a time of global transition. Future generations are likely
to describe this period as a pivotal juncture in world history when the status quo was irrevocably weakened and the contours of a new world began to emerge.” The annex of report includes “Millennium Development Goals, targets and indicators, 2011: statistical tables”.

2011 High Level Meeting on Prevention and Control of Non-communicable
Diseases, General Assembly, United Nations, New York, 19-20 September

The four main non-communicable diseases - cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung diseases and diabetes - kill three in five people worldwide, and cause great socioeconomic harm within all countries, particularly developing nations. The decision by the United Nations General Assembly to convene a High-Level Meeting on NCDs on 19-20
September 2011 presents a unique opportunity for the international community to take action against the epidemic, save millions of lives and enhance development initiatives.

News Focus: Horn of Africa crisis

Peace and Security

Security Council Concept Note: Peacekeeping – taking stock and
preparing for the future

The Security Council President for the month of August, India, has prepared a concept note for an open debate on United Nations peacekeeping operations on 26 August 2011.

Security Council Presidential Statement on Syria (3 August 2011) -
Historical background

United Nations Peacekeeping Operations – Fact Sheet: 30 June 2011
(DPI/1634/Rev.122, July 2011)

Economic & Social Development

Food and Ecological Security: Identifying synergy and trade-offs (UNEP
Policy Series, Issue No. 4, June 2011)

The Policy brief discusses the impacts of accelerated food production on ecosystems and ecosystem services, the trends in ecosystem services especially from cultivated ecosystems, how the twin objectives of food and ecological security can be aligned, and the related policy implications.

Global Afghan Opium Trade: A Threat Assessment (UNODC)

Afghanistan remains by far the largest source of the global illicit trade in opium and heroin, which generated some US$ 68 billion in 2009. 16.5 million people annually abuse opiates worldwide. Heroin takes the bulk of the market with 12 - 13 million people consuming 375 tons of heroin per year.

Global Development Horizons 2011 — Multipolarity: The New Global Economy
(World Bank)

The first edition of a new World Bank flagship report, Global Development Horizons 2011, focuses on three major international economic trends: the shift in the balance of global growth from developed to emerging economies, the rise of emerging-market firms as a force in global business, and the evolution of the international monetary system toward a multicurrency regime.

Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice: Report 2011-2012

The report highlights the practical barriers that women – particularly the poorest and most excluded-face in negotiating justice systems and the innovative approaches that governments and civil society are pioneering to overcome them. It explores the ways in which women are reconciling guarantees of their rights with the realities of living within plural legal systems. And it highlights the severe challenges that women face in accessing justice in the aftermath of conflict, as well as the enormous opportunities for change that can emerge in these most difficult times.

Promoting Gender Equality: an equity-focused approach to programming (UNICEF)

UNICEF has launched a series of operational guidance documents designed to help its staff and partners promote gender equality through UNICEF-supported programming globally. The two-page briefs are available on the following topics: Young child survival and development, Basic education and gender equality, HIV/AIDS and children, Child protection, Policy advocacy and partnerships for children's rights, Humanitarian action

Securing the Future Today: Synthesis of Strategic Information on HIV
and Young People (UNFPA)

In 2009 young people accounted for 41% of all new HIV infections among adults with 3 000 young people becoming newly infected with HIV each day. The report highlights that young people are a key resource to reverse the global AIDS epidemic and lead the response in decades to come. But it stresses that the legal and policy barriers that prevent
young people from accessing HIV services must be addressed, and young people should be engaged more effectively in the response.

Story-based Inquiry: a manual for investigative journalists (UNESCO)

This manual provides a guide to basic methods and techniques of investigative journalism, and it consciously fills a gap in the literature of the profession. The publication focuses on the hypothesis-based inquiry approach, which takes the basic assumption that a story is only a hypothesis until verified. The methods and skills applying to every step of the investigative process, from conception to research, writing, quality control and dissemination, have been thoroughly analyzed and are well illustrated by case studies
in each chapter.

UNDP in Action – Annual Report 2010/2011: People centred Development;
Empowered lives, resilient nations.

Human Rights

2010 Report on Human Rights in Iraq

A UN report into the human rights situation in Iraq over the course of 2010 has warned that armed violence and “silent” human rights violations continue to affect large sectors of the population. The report, released on 8 August 2011 by the UN Assistance Mission for
Iraq (UNAMI) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), studies a range of human rights issues, including the impact of armed conflict and violence on civilians, detention and the rule of law, and protection of the rights of specific groups. The report also covers the state of political rights in the country, including freedom of assembly and expression. It noted that while there was improvement in some areas, many challenges remain.

Commentary to the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of
Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect
Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

This commentary is a 100-page downloadable document which maps out the rights provided for in the UN Declaration on human rights defenders, based mostly on
information received and reports produced by the two Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights defenders, Hina Jilani (2000-2008) and Margaret Sekaggya (since 2008), during the past eleven years.

Forgotten Europeans - Forgotten Rights: the human rights of persons
placed in institutions (OHCHR)

This report highlights one of the most significant human rights challenges in Europe today, namely that many children, persons with disabilities and older persons continue to be placed in long-stay residential institutional care, often for life. It's intended to inform and encourage debate on the issues and how the areas of concern should be addressed.

Humanitarian Affairs

Humanitarian Action for Children: Building Resilience - Mid-Year
Review, 2011 (UNICEF)

Widespread and varied humanitarian crises have affected millions of women and children. With over half a million severely malnourished children at risk of imminent death, the food security crisis in the Horn of Africa has raised alarms across the world.

Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers (WHO / War Trauma
Foundation / World Vision International)

The United Nations health agency and its partners have launched a guide to help fieldworkers provide vital psychological support to people affected by humanitarian emergencies. Produced jointly by WHO, the War Trauma Foundation and World Vision International, the guide reflects the emerging science and international consensus on how to provide basic support to people in the immediate aftermath of extremely stressful events. The guide gives simple, practical guidance for supporting people in ways that respect their dignity, culture and abilities.

Web Portal for Horn of Africa Emergency (UNHCR)

UNHCR launched on 19 August a new website providing detailed and regularly updated information from the agency and its operational partners on the refugee and displacement emergency in the drought-stricken Horn of Africa. The new site provides a comprehensive information-sharing portal for all of the refugee agency's operational
partners involved in bringing relief to millions of people affected by insecurity, drought and famine throughout the Horn of Africa region.

Trade, Finance and Commerce

World Investment Report 2011: Non-equity modes of international
production and development.

World Investment Report 2011: Non-equity modes of international
production and development; Overview.

Free Access to scholarly health database at HIghwire

HIghwire Press offers free online access of journals to developing economies in teh fields of health an dallied sciences. You do not need to sign up for this service as our software automatically detects the country you are connecting from and grants access accordingly. Click here to access the database.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Health and Social Sciences Collection at Emerald

Emerald Group's 2011 acquisition of Pier Professional, is delighted to add the Health and Social Care collection to our growing portfolio.

This high quality, evidence-based collection of more than 5,000 articles provides a practical, multidisciplinary approach to research and practice, appealing to a global audience.

Key titles include: The Journal of Adult Protection, Tizard Learning Disability Review, Journal of Children's Services and Journal of Public Mental Health. With Emerald’s commitment to launching high quality publications, the journal count will continually grow, ensuring you always have access to the latest health and social care research and practice.
For more information, visit emerald website

Monday, September 26, 2011

List of new books at MUHAS library, September 2011

Kindly, visit the following library website to access a list of new books at the library.
These books can be found at the library, or visit the library catalogue

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Knowledge Sharing Methods and Web 2.0 Tools Workshop at MUHAS (Nov 29 - 2 Dec, 2011)

This four-day workshop is being run by MUHAS and ITOCA in partnership with FAO on a self-sponsorship basis.

The workshop will introduce you to knowledge sharing methods and tools and equip you with skills in using web 2.0 tools to enhance and improve collaborative work and knowledge sharing within your organization and with stakeholders, facilitate marketing of your products and services, and increase the level of innovation within your organisation.
The venue of the workshop is Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Kindly click this link to download the application form
Deadline for appliying for such workshop is: October 21, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

INASP-MUHAS Multilingual Online Searches and Web 2.0 Technologies workshop from 12th to 14th July, 2011

Workshop participants: INASP-MUHAS Multilingual Online Searches and Web 2.0 Technologies workshop which was held from 12th to 14th July, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Third IAALD Africa Chapter Conference Johannesburg, South Africa 2012

The International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD) Africa Chapter conference is a biennial conference that brings together individuals and organizations, both within and outside Africa, interested in agricultural information and knowledge for improved food security and livelihoods on the continent. The first conference was held in May 2006 at the Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya and the second in July 2009 at M Plaza Hotel, Accra, Ghana.
For more information, click here


The XXth Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and South Africa Library and
Information Associations (SCECSAL) 2012 conference will take place at
Intercontinental Hotel, in Nairobi, Kenya from 4th – 8th June 2012 to address the
theme: Information for Sustainable Development in a Digital Environment.
More information, click here