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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pediatric Neurology Briefs is now available at MUHAS

The Pediatric Neurology Briefs is now available at MUHAS - Muhimbili Campus. 

Pediatric Neurology Briefs is a continuing education service designed to expedite and facilitate the review of current scientific research and advances in pediatric neurology and related subjects. Pediatric Neurology Briefs is intended to provide pediatric neurologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, pediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists, educators and other health professionals with a detailed reference guide to the diagnosis, etiology, pathology, treatment and prognosis of nervous diseases of infants, children and adolescents. The journal content is now accessible to readers at MUHAS - Muhimbili Campus.

You may now go to the website: and click on the
'full text PDF' link for the journal issue you wish to access.

New journal articles at MUHAS institutional repository

New journal articles by academicians/lecturers at MUHAS have been added at the MUHAS institutional repository. 
Click here for more details

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

MUHAS Now the Leading University in Scientific Output in Tanzania

Tanzania universities ranking - 1
African Universities ranking - 41
World ranking - 1610

University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) Research Laboratory was established at Informatics Institute of Middle East Technical University in 2009. Main objective of URAP is to develop a ranking system for the world universities based on academic performances which is determined by quality and quantity of scholarly publications. In line with this objective yearly World Ranking of 2000 Higher Education Institutions have been released since 2010.
Click here for more details

Friday, February 1, 2013


The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) announces its first scientific conference that will be organized with support from Sida and other development partners. We welcome all researchers, local and international, working in various areas of health to share their research findings with other stakeholders in this conference.

The Conference will be held at Kunduchi Beach Hotel, Dar es Salaam. 

Conference Theme: Health Research Towards Poverty Alleviation.

Click here for details 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013 DHS Fellows program accepting applications until February 11 2013

ICF International is seeking applications for the 2013 Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Fellows Program. Applications must be from teams comprised of three faculty members from the same university in Africa who work in departments of demography, public health, economics, sociology, geography, or other social sciences. The universities they represent must be in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Namibia, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, or Zimbabwe.

Applications are due no later than February 11, 2013.

Each team of three fellows selected for the program will be expected to jointly complete a publishable-quality manuscript on policy-relevant questions related to one or more of the following topic areas: HIV/AIDS, mortality, fertility, family planning, gender, nutrition, and reproductive, maternal, or child health. Papers must use data collected in the DHS, AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS), or Service Provision Assessment (SPA) surveys. In addition, each team will be expected to design a plan for building capacity in the use of DHS data for teaching and research to be implemented at their home universities.All three members of each selected team of fellows must be available to attend two workshops organized by ICF International, one at the beginning and one toward the end of the program (see schedule below).

Each selected fellow will be awarded a $3,000 stipend to cover his or her research expenses, which will be paid in installments based upon satisfactory completion of the deliverables. In addition, ICF International will cover economy airfare from the home university in Africa, lodging, and per diem expenses for each fellow to attend both workshops at a location elsewhere in Africa.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Keep up to date on the latest research and advances in the prevention, treatment, and understanding of cancer.The latest issue of the NCI Cancer Bulletin is now available at

List of new books/theses at MUHAS Library - 8th January 2013

A list of new printed books and theses have been added at MUHAS Library. Visit the library website to access the list.