DIrectorate of Library Services

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Showing posts with label information literacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label information literacy. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Basic skills on how to retrieve scholarly literature in PUBMED

This short video introduces you on how to search and retrieve scholarly literature for PUBMED

Monday, May 19, 2014


Once Again, the Directorate of Library Services at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) in collaboration with Information and Training Center for Africa (ITOCA) and Elsevier Foundation are organizing a workshop on Evidence Based Practice and Critical Appraisal from 23-25 June 2014.
VENUE: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
The workshop will be conducted over three days (23-25 June 2014). The workshop will comprise lectures delivered in a classroom setting, hands-on exercises, group work and individual practical work delivered both physically and through video conference facilities 
This three-day workshop will introduce you to evidence based practice and critical appraisal techniques and equip you with skills in using web 2.0 tools to enhance and improve evidence based health care, collaborative work and knowledge sharing within your organization and with stakeholders, and increase the level of innovation within your organisation.
This course is supported and funded by Elsevier Foundation. The sponsorship for successful applicants will cover the cost of registration, light refreshments and lunches for each participant. A small allowance to cover the accommodation costs shall be given to participants from outside Dar es salaam.


The course is open to researchers, lecturers, library and information professionals, health care professionals, and graduate students from institutions involved in medical and health sciences. Specifically, participants are expected to come from relevant government ministries, Non-Governmental Organizations, universities and faculties of medical and health sciences. The language of instruction is English. No basic computer and internet modules will be covered during the workshop.

Please fill in the form and let your immediate supervisor sign the form to confirm that your organization authorizes you to attend the Evidence based Practice Workshop- 23-25 June 2014
Please request and  return the application form to the email address below by 26th May, 2014
- Bernard Ernest - 0753559063
-  Also copy to:
Kesia Rad - 0752044896,
The Workshop Coordinator will be happy to answer any questions about the workshop or participant attendance

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

“We can just Google it!”: Accuracy of Medical Information on the Internet

“We can just Google it!” is becoming our standard response to unanswered questions in life.
This study highlights the opportunities and pitfalls of using the internet to communicate medical in
formation. The internet is providing an opportunity for patients and family members to obtain additional medical information that they did not receive from their physicians, as well as to address questions that may arise and do not warrant a visit to a physician. On the other hand, the study also demonstrates that the quality of medical information on the internet varies widely. Click here for more details

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reminder: Workshop on Library Cataloguing, Classification and Records Management (24th -29th September 2012) - Open for Registration

The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) through its MUHAS Library will organize a five days workshop on Library Cataloging, Classification and Records Management
WORKSHOP DATES AND VENUE: From  Monday 24th to Saturday 29th  September 2012 ( 5 days) at Muhimbili University Library
WORKSHOP FEES: Tsh 350,000/= per participant to cover stationery, meals ( tea and lunch ), lecture notes and certificate.
COURSE OBJECTIVES:To equip the participants with the relevant skills and knowledge in library cataloguing and classification and records management
FACILITATOR:The course will be facilitated by experienced librarian from Muhimbili University Library,  UDSM  Library and Tanzania Library Service

Specifically the course will cover:
 Part 1: Cataloguing and classification
·         Descriptive cataloguing of library materials using AACR2 rules
·         Subjects analysis and formulation of subject headings.
·         Application of Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal Classification schemes.
·         CIP Cataloguing and LC online cataloguing
         Part 2: Records Management.
·         Definition of records management and its importance
·         Preservation and conservation of paper records
·         Classification schemes
·         Tracking of records inside and outside the registry
·         Organisation and storage of records
·         Developing records policies
·         Safety and security of records
Librarians, Library Officers, Library Assistants and practitioners with particular responsibility for records management including : Human Resources personnel, Records personnel, Registry officers, Information officers, Health records personnel, Financial records personnel, Archivists, Documentalists, Administrators, Secretaries, Procurement Records Assistants and all those involved in information Managements in NGO'S private and public sectors.
Payment is due before start of workshop. Payment can be made by depositing money in our account by cash. Name of account is Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences and Account Number is 2091100002 NMB Bank Muhimbili branch.
Confirm your participation and payment by 18th September, 2012.
The participants will have to make  transport and accommodation arrangements at their own cost.
For further information about the workshop  please contact the following:
For further information about the workshop please contact the following:

Mr Christom Aron Mwambungu
Mob: 0713 312413/0754 721036
Email: or

Mr Silas Maganga
Mob: 0715 597979

Mr William . Mviombo
Mob: 0713 236649

Monday, July 9, 2012

Power Searching with Google - free online course

Google is hosting a new MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) - Power Searching with Google is a free online course featuring powerful techniques to solve real, everyday problems using Google.

Registration is open now. You have to create a gmail account in order to register

Course Details

Power Searching with Google is a free online, community-based course showcasing search techniques and how to use them to solve real, everyday problems. It features:

  • Six 50-minute classes.
  • Interactive activities to practice new skills.
  • Opportunities to connect with others using Google Groups, Google+, and Hangouts on Air.
Upon passing the post-course assessment, a printable Certificate of Completion will be emailed to you.
Ready to get started?

·Registration is open from June 26, 2012 to July 16, 2012. We recommend that you register before the first class is released on July 10, 2012!

· New classes will become available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday starting on July 10, 2012 and ending on July 19, 2012.
· Course-related activities will end on July 23, 2012.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Information Literacy Training in South Africa

ITOCA (Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa) is running workshops called 21st Century Information Literacy Skills : in Centurion, South Africa on July 2-6, 2012 and also via a web version. "Participants will learn how to acquire, and facilitate the acquisition and application of information literacy skills that are relevant for the information user in the 21st century."